chapter 1

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  She walked into the school. Everyone starred at her fore head. She covered her forehead and glared at the people. They all immediately turned away. "I hear she almost killed someone who tried to cheat on there test off of her!"

She heard someone whisper. "The tattoo; its so BLUE!"

She heard some one else say.

  She kept walking all the way to her locker. She opened it and got her books out. When she was about to shut the locker she heard someone clear they're voice. She slammed the locker shut and turned to see the culprit. A good looking boy was standing there looking at her.

  "Didn't mean to intrude but it looks like were locker buddies, I'm Chris." The boy said sticking out a hand. She glared at the hand and turned to walk. She crashed into another boy. Her books scattered all over the ground. The boy tried to help but she growled at him to "Back off!!"  The boy went sprinting down the hall way.

  She looked back down to pick up her books but they were already all picked up. She stood up to look at the boy. He handed her the books. She glared at him. " What I was only trying to help.." He said in an innocent voice. " Well stop trying!"  She sneered at him; grabbing the books and heading down the hallway.

  Her first class was math. When she got in only two other people were in the classroom. She took a seat in the very back. After a little while people started filling in the seats.

She saw Chris walk in. She immediately looked down to her paper acting like she was busy.

  He came up to the seat next to her and said " do you mind if I sit here?"  She looked up at him and glared. " Yes, yes I do mind, very much so!" She replied her voice like daggers. " He smiled a cheesy smile and said " Good!"

  He sat down at the chair next to her and placed his books on the table. She sighed and pulled her shiny black hair down like a drape so that she couldn't see him at all and he couldn't see her face. The teacher walked in and introduced her. The rest of the class was a lecture. In the rest of the classes ur was the same. Then came lunch...

  She walked into the cafeteria and it felt like every eye was on her. She couldn't help but feel pressured. A finger taped her shoulder and her head snapped up. Chris was standing there looking at her warily. " Come sit with us today." He said in a honey sweet tone. Cocky son of a bitch. I recoiled and gave him a death glare.

  " Where else would you sit?" He asked quizzingly. "I..I..I would..."  I studderd. He chuckled and grabbed my wrist. I was pulled to a table. He introduced me saying " This is..."  " Danyel." I whispered. "Danyel!" He exclaimed. A blonde girl looked at me and asked" Which do you prefer snickers or milky way?" I immediately answered " SNICKERS!" She smiled. A boy on the other side of the table groaned and said " not another snickers fan!?!"  The girl grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the seat next to her.

  " you'll be sitting over here now, not over there with those milky way  fans." She said pointing over to the boys with her lip curled up in disgust. I laughed.  looked over at the boys on the other side of the table. " What are you looking at?"  One of the boys sneered. "nothing much!!" I growled back; looking away. " Ooh I like this girl already, I'm Jasmin and this is Claire and Samantha." said the girl next to me pointing to the two girls on the other side of her. I waved. School went by slow, too slow. By the end she was exhausted and tired.

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sorry it took so long first chapters are always the hardest for me. you know the deal comment,vote or both if u liked it! <3

stay beautiful precious

don't stare at the sun

  ilovepizzapies- I'm out

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