Analyze a Fight

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AN: Tamaki will be referred to as such, and 'Master' as opposed to 'Sensei' is used

During the recession period of monster attacks, Genos and Saitama had more than enough time to train,partly because it relieved Saitama's boredom. Now that the monster attacks grew again, B-class and above were sent to patrol cities. As a lower rank S-class, Genos could choose whether or not to go on patrol. While in the hallway leading out of assignments room, he saw Tatsumaki standing there, a bored look on her face. Workers were passing by her."Tatsumaki." He stated, pointing to his head. She scoffed and turned on her telepathy. I am sure that you are aware of the patrol assignments. City Z has not been taken yet, and I declined doing any patrol for the sake of creating time for Master and our training.I suggest you take the City Z patrol assignment and see for yourself his power. Tatsumaki shrugged and made her way towards the assignment room.

"Assignment Z." She stated, her arms crossed. The unnamed worker, not wanting to upset her, logged her into tracking system. She huffed and left the room, flipping open her phone.

The fight will take place at the rocky area outside of the city.-Genos. She stepped outside of HQ and flew towards City Z.

Knowing she couldn't fully avoid her assignment, she spent 30 minutes patrolling the city, occasionally sending short messages to HQ about its state. Once they confirmed her job was done, she decided to look around before heading to the fight's location. She glanced at the stores in the area, seeing if there was any other damage unaccounted for. Her eyes landed on a familiar grocery store. She decided to take off to the rocky area, a ghost of a smile on her face.


She knew she was in the right place when the sounds of fire cannons and crushed rock filled the air. Ducking behind a large boulder, she watched the training. A swing or two by Genos, a dodge by Saitama. Arm flares aiming for Saitama, only for Saitama to be unaffected. "Ugh, did that cyborg ask me to come here to see his weak combat?" Tatsumaki thought to herself, adjusting her position behind the boulder. Her head shot up when she heard a deafening "CRACK".

 Her eyes set on Saitama hunched over, his fist on the ground. He looked up, the slightly startled Tatsumaki making sure to stay out of sight. "Genos, are you alright?" Said cyborg was also hunched over, but flashed a thumbs up. "That's good. Dinner is on me." They both stood up and began to walk out of the ruins. "Hold it right there!" They turned around, both somewhat unaffected by her outburst. "What the hell was all that ruckus, baldy?!" 

She floated down to eye level, hands on her hips. "I was already off patrol, thanks for the additional work." "Huh?" Saitama arched an eyebrow. "Get over here, now. I have to account for any injuries caused by all this." "Okay..?" He said apprehensively, walking towards her. "Let me see your hand." He silently raised his hand, which she immediately grabbed. Yanking his glove off, she was preparing for a lecture on damaging his hand. "..If your hand is fine, was that ruckus.." She finally looked at the ruins surrounding them. Looking at the spot where Saitama was, she noticed a large crack in the earth. "..Just be more careful, okay?" she mumbled. Saitama stared at her, unsure whether or not to say anything. "Master, should we be on our way?" Both were snapped out of their trance. "Oh, yeah . My glove?" She let go of his hand and tossed his glove to him. "Thanks. See you around." "See you at the next meeting, Tatsumaki." The three separated.


T:It's been quite a while since I came over, hasn't it?

S:Yeah, Genos said he had fun last time. How does tomorrow sound?

T: Sounds good to me

S: See you at 7.

"Tam's coming over." "Alright, I'll set an alarm for 7 am.""Looks like Genos is warming up to her. That's nice." Saitama thought, glancing at the sleeping cyborg.

He sighed, laying down on the futon.

"I wonder if Tamaki is warming up, too."


"Saitama, I brought some chocolate cake!" Tamaki was at the door, holding said cake with a smile. "Great, come on in. Genos, she's here." Saitama called out, taking the chocolate cake from her hands. "Tat-Tamaki, nice to see you." Genos greeted, a small smirk on his face. "Hi, I'm going to go wash up." She replied, gritting her teeth into a grin. Saitama didn't take notice, as he was preparing the table. Genos lowered his voice to a whisper. "So, what did you really think of the training yesterday?" Tamaki scoffed. "It was alright, at least on his end," she nodded slightly at Saitama, "and you could try a bit more." "..I prefer Master's advice." Chuckling, she and Genos walked over to the small table. "Well, let's dig in."


"Hey, you wanna play video games again?" Saitama asked, drumming his fingers on the table. Tamaki nodded, standing up. "Sure, what do you have in mind?" Saitama's reply was interrupted by a knock at the door. "I'll get it Master!" Genos bolted towards the door. "Hey man. Wanna go for a round?" King was at the door, holding a large plastic bag. Tamaki arched an eyebrow, and Saitama shrugged. 

She barely shifted from her spot while King shifted awkwardly in the doorway. "Sorry, didn't know that you had your girl over. I shouldn't have dropped in so suddenly." Saitama looked over to her, as if searching for an agreement. "Come on in, its cool. Here, I'll introduce you guys. Tamaki, King. King, Tamaki." Both bowed, then looked over to Saitama. "King, we actually were going to play anyways. What did you bring?" A smug grin appeared on the, at least from Tastumaki's view, normally stoic man. "DDR, and a bunch of fighting games. We could be on teams, if you guys want." "..The fighting game; Me and Tamaki vs you and Genos." Saitama stated. Genos thumbs upped from the TV. "Ready to go."

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