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???: hold on Alexis, I'm almost there."

A man in a black sweatshirt that said "cleverly disguised as a responsible adult" on the front, faded blue jeans, and shoes, is running down the street, trying to get to his destination. This man's name was Y/n, and he was running because he was running a bit late. His girlfriend had been hospitalized in an accident last week, and he had been visiting her every day at 4:00 to read to her, as she could barely move her neck.

Today, he had graduated collage for quantum bio genetics. And he was going to finish the book he had been reading to her and after, propose to her. A heavy storm rolls in, Lightning flashes and thunder roars overhead. The rain coming down in sheets, obscuring his vision, as he picks up his pace to get out of the rain faster. He gets to the hospital, and rushed across the street. Halfway across, there's a massive flash. He goes to throw open the door, but instead of hitting the door, he passed though it, and fell down. He looks up, and sees that time has frozen. People stopped mid-step, a man that with tripped a coffee in his hand paused as the coffee splashes out of his mug.

He looks around confused, and turns around to see a man with a frozen bolt of lighting coming from his neck, in the middle of the street. He was wearing a black sweatshirt that said "cleverly disguised as a responsible adult" on the front, faded blue jeans, and red shoes. It took Y/n a second,to realize that that was him in the road. He had been struck by lightning.

(A/n: You've been...THUNDERSTRUCK! Not sorry.")

next thing he knows, he's standing in front of a man in his mid to late 20s, in a white suit jacket, over a grey vest, over a white dress shirt, with a dark blue tie. The buttons on his sleeves, vest and his belt buckle, seem to be made of gold. The man has green eyes, and turquoise highlights in his unkempt hair which covers his left eye.

 The man has green eyes, and turquoise highlights in his unkempt hair which covers his left eye

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???: well that was unexpected."

Y/n: who are you?"

???: take a guess genius."

Y/n:... Charlie Chaplin."

The man smiled and let out a chuckle.

???: I'm the god that over looks your world. My name is-"

He then strung together a bunch of syllables, and sounds together that hurt my ears to listen to.

???: but you can call me whatever you want."

Y/n: ok. So jackass, why am I here?"

Jackass: I brought you here because I felt bad that someone with as much potential as you do was killed the way you were. On your way to see your hospitalized girlfriend, to read her a story and propose. Very romantic. If you hadn't died you would have married her and grown old together. You would have been the first man to successfully genetically engineer an animal person. But, that is no longer an option sadly, I really wanted to be able to have them in my world. Anyway, I feel like I have to compensate you. Don't ask why, I just do. Ill grant you 3 requests. But you cannot go back to your old world."

Y/n stays silent for a second as he processes everything he had just heard, and think about what he'll spend his wishes on. He took a deep breath.

Y/n: OK. I only got 3 wishes, so I got to chose carefully. First off, I want my memories from my old life intact."

Jackass: I can see why you would want that. You have a lot of good memories. Next."

Y/n: I want to be able to use console commands."

Jackass: I can see the potential in that. Granted, but I'm putting an unbreakable seal on you, so you don't become arrogant, Next.."

Jackass: ok, and lastly?"

Y/n: I wanna be reincarnated into an anime world and redesign my body.

Jackass: that's 2 requests. Pick one."

Y/n: then I choose body. I want a better body."

Jackass: done. Oh and by the way, I was going to put you in an anime world anyway. You'll just have to figure out which one. Ciao."

With that Y/n is left alone. Looking at a full scale model of himself naked. He rubs his chin, and touches the model's chest. In front of him a blue screen pops up with several sliders on it, each labeled what they control. He nods, and starts to screw around. He leaned out his body a little, changed his eye and hair color, added a few inches to his height and length, got rid of his beard, and reversed his age back to 18.

 He leaned out his body a little, changed his eye and hair color, added a few inches to his height and length, got rid of his beard, and reversed his age back to 18

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After an hour of messing around with his new body, he was finally done

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After an hour of messing around with his new body, he was finally done. After he confirmed his creation, he was given a prompt, asking if he wanted to change his name. He hit deny, and was sent to dream land.

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