chapter three

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Jay's  P.O.V.

Carlos was playing video games. I had managed to steal a couple of things before nightfall. Mal and Evie came in. Mal came over to me. And saw my bed.

"Jay, what are you doing" She questioned. " it's called stealing." I said. " So whats the point." She asked again. " Well Mal, its like buying what ever I want except its free." I said. " So you can do that. Or you pick this all up when we take over the world." She said. " You sound so much like your mother." Evie said. " thank you." She said. " You do your way I will do mine." I said." Jay, you need to check out this video game." Carlos said.

I jumped up on the platform and started playing. It was actually fun. I was beating people up. Carlos was watching me as Mal was trying to get every bodies attention.

" Do I have to remind you what we are here for?" Mal questioned. " Fairy godmother blah blah blah. Magic wand blah blah blah. " I said sarcastically. Evie laughed. "THis are one chance to prove to ourselves to our parents!" Mal said loudly. Everyone stopped. " to prove that we are evil, vicious,ruthless, and cruel." She said. We all said. "Yeah." We all paused.

" Evie, Mirror me." Mal said. " Magic mirror in my hand where does fairy godmother's wand stand?" EVie asked. The little mirror had swirling in it. " there it is." Evie said. " Zoom out." Carlos said. " Magic mirror not so close." Evie asked. evie had to get the mirror right. " Can I get back to my game now. I'm on level three. " Carlos said. " There it is. But where is that?" Mal said. " that would be 2.3 miles from
here." Carlos said.

We rushed out of the room. Of course we had to yell for Carlos to hurry up. Let just say it was a long walk from here. But we managed to get there. But the door was locked and a guard was there. We saw maleficent's spinning wheel.

"That's your mom spinning wheel." I said. " it's kinda dorky." Carlos said. " It's magic it doesn't have to look scary." Mal said. "Magic spindle do not linger make my victim prick a finger." Mal continued. Nothing happened." Impressive." I said. " I got chills." Carlos said. " Okay you know what." She paused. " prick the finger prick it deep send my victim off to sleep." Mal said. The guard did exactly as he was told and feel asleep. " so dorky now huh." She said. She tried to open the door but it was locked. " stand back." I said."take it easy make a quick open the door without a kick." Mal said. Let's just say I fell pretty bad. " you coming." Mal said.

I picked my self up with help of Carlos. We ran towards the hall of villians. We saw are parents in their youth. But I noticed a girl of jafar's statue and she was Niesha. She was also wearing my hat. She sleeping from Mal's spell. I would get me hat but not yet. I ran with Evie and Carlos for the magic wand.

Niesha's P.O.V.

I had fallen asleep. I woke up seeing Mal talking to the Maleficent's statute. I kept one eye open so I could watch everything. Mal walked away I held on to My sketchbook hard case they were going to attack me. As soon as Mal went away the alarm went off for the fairy godmother's wand I didn't know what they were doing. I was pertaining  to be asleep when suddenly someone picked me up.I didn't know who it was but they were very muscular. I look up and I saw Jay.He had also taken his hat back. We got back to the school and he placed me by my door step. He walked away but I got his hat back.

" Melody, open up." I said knocking on the door. "  It's  past curfew, Niesha." Melody said. " the villian kids are planing something and I'm going to find out." I said. " but we have cheerleading practice tomorrow. And not to mention you are the head cheerleader." Melody said. " God don't remind me Audrey is trying to get me off the team. Just because she is dating Ben doesn't mean she's everything." I said." And your prettier than her too." Melody said. " Why thank servant." I said sarcastically. " your such a kidder." Melody said.

We talked some more. I showed her some of my sketches based off of the villians. She was going into the closet to get something out. It was a pink box with blue ribbon on it. My birthday was over the summer. Ben's family planned a ball in my honor. It was fun but Melody wasn't there.

" I'm sorry I missed your birthday. But I got you a present." She said. "Wow, I don't know what to say." I said " they are fabrics from Atlantica. "I thought you could start a swimsuit line." Melody said. " I will start sketching right away.

Melody hugged me goodnight and went to bed. I stayed up all night sketching men and women swimwear. I can't wait for my sewing machine to arrive.

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