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You and Finn began to date the summer of 6th grade and continued dating all through middle school. Most people would tell you it wouldn't last but you'd say otherwise.

Your entire class knew about it and lived He two of you guys as a couple.

You guys would even sneak off into a corner for quick kisses and hugs before leaving school to go home. Even some of your bestfriends would take pictures and film the two of you.

It had been amazing.

FaceTime calls every single day at 9:30 P.M

Texts every day right after school.

Sneaking out of your house to meet Finn up at the park.

You wished it had never ended.

Until the first week of high school. You and Finn were freshmen.

The entire school knew the two of you were dating and were honestly surprised that you guys had lasted.

You were sitting in your section waiting to get called into class to start the day when all your friends started giggling and taunting you because you and Finn were in the same section.

They began to giggle even more as Finn walked into the gym to go to his section, which in this case was the exact same as yours.

You hadn't really seen Finn the entire summer since he had gone to New York for vacation.

You smiled as you saw him walk up the bleachers to what you thought was to sit next to you.

But he didn't.

Instead he sat down with Gates,Caleb, and Noah on the seats in front of you.

You frowned but covered it up.

The whole school day all you could tu I about was what had happened that morning.

Then end of the day came around and you ran out of the school looking for Finn. You saw him with a group of friends.

You ran up to him and gave him a huge hug. "I missed you" you said but got no reply. Finn then let go quickly.

You frowned because before you would be the one to let go because you had to leave. Finn was never the one to let go.
The second day of school was Thursday. Since you guys had started school on a Wednesday. Once again Finn didn't sit next to you in sections.

Then after school you didn't go look for him.
The third and final day of the week which was Friday came around. You were honestly mad at Finn.

He hadn't even tried to talk to you when you guys saw each other in the hallways since you had no classes together.

You told your friends how you were feeling during lunch and the end of the day cake around.

You were walking out of school alone when you saw two of your friends up ahead.

"He have you guys seen Finn ?" You asked them.

"We were just talking to him right now. He was walking with us like 5 seconds ago" they replied.

You were practically fuming now.

"He told me he left school early." You said.

Your friends gave you confused and sorrowful looks.

"You guys know what Jaeden told me ?" Y/N asked her friends.

They nodded.

"Jaeden told me that supposedly he was talking about this girl named Maddie and that he liked her" she said in a bitter tone.

"Oh my god. When we were at our lockers He told me that if I saw a girl named Maddie to tell her to text him and that he went to (your middle schools name)." Y/F/N said.

Your cheeks turned red from anger.

"That's it. I'm done. If he tries to come and talk to him I'm going to ignore him. And I'm going to break up with him in person." Y/N spat out.

You and your friends were walking when Jaeden caught up to the 3 of you.

Jaeden took notice of the state you were in and just hugged you. Your friends had walked home by then leaving you and Jaeden alone.

"Do what you have to do." He simply said.


The next day you were sitting at the bleachers when you saw Finn walking up to you . You simply rolled your eyes .

Finn sat next to you and nudged you.

" You wanna tell me why everybody's saying that Jaeden walked you to your car and hugged you after school yesterday ?" He said in a stern tone.

"Why do you care ?l you replied.

"Because your my girlfriend not his" He said.

That's all it took for you to lose it.

"Great. You care about me now when I hang out with a boy. But your allowed to go to lunch and tell all your friends that you like another girl. You know Finn that's pretty fucked yo. That why I'm breaking up with you. We barely talked this entire summer and you don't make an effort to talk to me. I'm assuming you don't love me me as much as I do anymore so congrats Finn. You're free now. Enjoy your life. Forget anything we did together. Go out with Maddie." Y/N said and then walked down the steps to her class.
Y/N didn't look for Finn in the hallways anymore.

She started dating Jaeden 1 year after what happened with Finn. She didn't know if Finn and Maddie ever actually started dating.

Her friends still talked to him once in a while but that was it. She completely locked him out of her life.

He was free.

And she was now dating a guy who loved her and only her.

Although she completely hated Finn she still wished him the very best.


This is an imagine referencing something that could happen in any High School. This took me forever to write because I kept erasing and re writing but I think its okay now and good enough to publish sooo enjoy 😂

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