Chapter 6

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Of course that had to be the play. Of course it had to be with another guy. Kent Bailey slipped into the spot next to her and put his arm around her shoulder. I don't even know what happened next. I was thinking too hard of how he was Romeo and she was Juliet. Making sure np it to let my jealousy show, I nodded at the look she gave me. She then took his hand and left.

"Must be rough." Meg had squeezed between Cameron and I.

"What must be rough?" Acting as if I had no idea what she was talking about. She just gave me an 'i'm not an idiot' look.

"I know you like her." I looked at Aaron and Cameron who just shrugged their shoulders. I didn't bother to look at Pete, with him being afraid to talk to girls, I doubted he said anything. "What do you mean?"

"I noticed when you protected her in the cafeteria on her first day, and when you look at her you smile bigger than I've ever seen you smile before. I know what it looks like when you like a girl Bret." I knew she was right. I did like her. And I was very jealous of Kent at this moment.



"So where can we meet to practice?" Kent was serious about this skit.

"Well my dad is at work when I get home so we could meet at my house." He just nodded.

" yeah I think that will work." I jotted down my address on his hand, stood up and sat with Bret and Meg.

"So how did practice go?" Meg said raising her eye brows.

"We still have a lot of work to do so we are going to meet up at my house after school today." Bret got up to throw away his trash, so I slid down to sit next to Meg.

"Is that ALL you are going to do?" Meg nudged me with her shoulder and lifted her eye brows a couple times.

"Oh god no! It's just practice and that is all. Nothing more!"

"So you don't like him." She sat up strait and just watched my face for anything.

"Well, I don't not like him." I said with a questioning tone in my voice.

"Oh so you Do like him." She emphasized the word do. Bret came back to sit with us but instead of scooting back into the place that I took, he just sat next to me.

"So what is this whole skit thing, the stage kiss and everything?"

"Why, are you wanting to come and keep an eye on me, Dad?" Meg and I both laughed. Bret just shrugged. "Just watching out for you is all."


I got off the bus and started to walk home, thinking about what Bret had said. His words repeating in my mind 'just watching out for you is all.' I pushed my thoughts to the back of my mind as I pulled the chain from under my shirt and unlocked the door. Max came running from down the hallway to greet me.

"Hey buddy! We're gonna have some company over!" He wagged his tail and tried to lick my face but ended up licking the air. I dropped my bag on the floor near the couch and went into the kitchen to get snacks for when Kent came. Rummaging through the pantry I found some lays chips and some Oreos. I put them on the coffee table in front of the couch. I got out my script and then the bell rang. Max jumped up and ran to the door barking. I opened the door for Kent and Max jumped on him.

"Down Max!" The big dog got down and walked towards me with his head down. "Sorry about him, he likes new people."

"That's alright, I have a dog too." He pet Max on the head.

"Well, you can set your bag down near the couch. I got out some snacks just so if we got hungry we would have something to eat." I clapped my hands together and walked over to the couch. Kent set his bag next to mine, got out the script and sat next to me.

"So, where do you want to start?" He said flipping through the pages.

"Why don't we start where we left off?" I smiled, flipped to our previous spot and read my lines.


AN: sorry it is so short, I couldn't think of anything for a while.

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