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I was walking on the corridor when i saw a guy leaning against his locker closing his eyes.I decided to go to him and talk for a while.

"Hello im Rosè new student in this school may i know Your name?"I started and he open his eyes and stare at me.

"You must be Lisa's friend"he ask and i nod

"You can call me Kook"He continue

"Nice to meet you kook u seem sad may i know why?"I ask

"Nothing really it's just my birthday and no one seems too remember it"He replied looking at the floor i feel bad so i touched his shoulder and give him a lollipop

"Happy birthday kook nice to meet you"I greeted him and left i saw someone's back which i know is a girl left quickly and i just shrugged it all

My unnies ask me to find where rosè is when i reached the locker rooms i heard 2 peoples talking sweetly.

I took A quick look on who it is and i saw Rosè unnie's side view and Jungkook smiling widely...

Ohh my heart just broke does Rosè unnie really doesnt know who jungkook is not knowing the box of timberlands or my gift for jungkook just fell from the floor...

And tears was in my eyes too..

I quickly went out of the scene and went to the Bathroom

Class is almost starting but the two maknaes havent got here minutes got past we saw a smiling Rosè coming our way

"UNNIES"She shouted in top of her lungs while hopping going to me and jennie.

"How many scoop of sugar did u eat?"Jennie ask

"Not even one but i have a crush hihihi."She tell us and we were shock

"Mwo? Who"Me and Jennie ask in unison

"Idk his real name but he say call him kook his so cute omg"She said and i was worried for lisa...

Because  jungkook's Groupmates call him kook

Me and Jennie look at each other and smiled weekly at chae "u better go to class chae" i said

"Okie"She happily said and jump away

"How are we going to solve this unnie"Jennie ask

"Let's just leave them alone hear for now"I reply and we headed to class

Lisa was in found in her desk leaning in her table hiding her beautiful face

Until someone shoved her strongly she was disturb and ignore who it is she has no time for listening to her...

Until She heard her said something that turns her heart into dust.

"ROSIEPOSIE"Jungkook her crush just made a nickname for her

"Kookie"Rosè replied

Lisa plugged her earphone and turn a familliar song..the teacher went in and they all greeted

Jungkook took a quick glance at Lisa and he noticed something a gift but lisa seemed to noticed it and moved the gift further where he is.

Class ended and jungkook wants to have a nice conversation with Lisa to know of she remember his birthday..

"Hey"Jungkook started the conversation nicely but Lisa turned a blank face on him

"Here it will be a waste if i throw this and happy birthday"She gave the gift to Jungkook and left..

I went home and went to my room i quickly opened my gift and i saw a pair of timberlands and an iron man letter she knows me really well

Dear Jungkook,
                     Kookie it's your birthday and your becoming old hahaha im just kidding remember you're always gonna be my baby even though you're already married to another woman just kidding! Again

You know even though you're very cold to me i'm still hoping that you'll like me back and i know that you know that i like you right?i confessed when it's the Autumn cleaning month of our school right well my heart broke when u say "I did not ask u to like me did i?"that hurts you know....

Well i know you've been wishing timberlands since your 15 but can't buy one and everytime u went to school by just slipper because u cant buy even a pair of shoes i cant help but be sad that time..

So i saved my money and buy this and gave it in your birthday...

I know you will hate me after this because i sound exactly wierd here but who cares no one can stop me loving you hahaha im whipped okay thats for now we still have math test tommorow  and i need to use my brain hahaha

Happy birthday my kookie

                                                                              From you're whipped noona Lalisa

Thats some long note well i appreciate it and timberlands wait timberlands



Happy birthday my cookie and our Golden maknae We love u so much

You will always be our coconut head we love you

My School Crush (Liskook ff) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now