♛ Chapter 2 ♛

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Chapter 2

Hello everyone! So this is the next chapter of "Sparks" and I don't know how the format is going to turn out because the writing is super big for some reason. I thought when I copy/pasted it it would turn out normal but it didn't so...I hope this works! Also, I was wondering after how long you guys would like recaps. Please comment below!


"I don't understand. What are you doing here?" I asked dumbfoundedly as Alexander unlocked my handcuffs. I rubbed my red wrists, which had little pinpricks of blood on them.

She gave me a small smile. "All in due time," she said, gesturing to a servant who was, of course, clad in black. "Take her to the East Wing. Make sure she's comfortable, and take care of her wrists."

"No!" I shouted. She raised an eyebrow. I usually never yelled. "I don't care about my wrists, II want answers now. Tell me what's going on! Why are you the queen? Why could I use my fire magic? What's Spirit? What are those magic proof swords made out of? Where are we? And why are you conspiring with these crazy people?" I asked, my voice steadily rising until someone's sword was at my throat.

"You do not speak to the queen that way," Alexander whispered in my ear.

I felt a shudder rise up in me, but instead I whispered back, "You don't tell me what to do."

"Well I'm the one with the sword, aren't I?" he hissed.

I grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back, using a move my father had taught me, which slid the sword out of his grip. "Who has the sword now, huh?" I asked tauntingly.

He glared at me murderously and probably would have ripped my arm off or something if my sister--or the queen--said, "Enough. Esme, give him back his sword. Alexander, take her to her room." She sounded cool and collected, but she had a small smile on her face as if our antics amused her. It was weird seeing her on a throne, holding such a high position. I wondered why she had been afraid the Queen of Magic would pick her to be the next ruler. Maybe a queen couldn't become a different queen?

My thoughts slowly left my head as we made our way to the East Wing. The walls were painted a fiery red and the doorways were made out of fire, like the gates at the palace. I followed Alexander to the room at the end of the hallway. When we reached the door, he looked at me expectantly. After a moment, I finally said, "Okay, I'll take the bite. What am I supposed to do?"

He arched an eyebrow. "Open the door," he said as if I were stupid.

"Okay," I said slowly, "But why don't you do it?" It wasn't as if I expected him to be the perfect gentleman or something, but he was looking at me like I was the only one who could open it.

He gave an exasperated sigh. "Because I'm not fireproof like you are yet. I need to practice my fire magic more. Now open the door." I gave him a look and he reluctantly added, "Please."

I smiled in satisfaction and opened the door. I let out a loud gasp. Inside, it was even more breathtaking. There was a ruby chandelier and the walls were painted to look like fire. The bed looked as soft as silk, and it had a little dresser next to it which had a little alarm clock on it. The bathroom was the only thing that wasn't red, orange, or yellow. Instead, everything inside it was white.

Alexander headed for the bathroom, and when he came out a few seconds later, he had a silver bowl filled with milky water and a white washcloth. "Let me see your wrists," he said quietly.

"I can do it," I insisted, yanking the cloth out of his grip. I dipped it into the water and touched it to my wrist. I cried out and dropped the cloth immediately. My wrist felt like it was on fire! Alexander picked up the cloth again and squeezed most of the liquid out.

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