Sleepover :)

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Char pov

We are sleeping over and i guess wat my Princey  pooh is going to do

Prince pov

Yea sleepover we are going to play truth or dare because 7 minutes in heaven do to much

Prince: okay yall guys and girls ready

Everyone except prince: yea

Prince: okay we are playi-(gco)

Ray: 7 minutes in heaven

Prince: no and why you cut me off u know im sensitive

Ray: oh sorry

Prince: yea u better be sorry nigga so like i was saying we are playi-(gco)

Char: hold on wait my sister is calling sorry( while getting up)

Prince: its alright Miami

Ray: oh she get miami but i get yelled at

Prince: shut up

Authors note: so its char sister and her name is ge she live in Chicago  with their grandmother so yea

Phone Convo

Char: hey sis we haven't talk in forever( sounding like she is about to cry)

Ge: i know but i be seeing the photos u be putting up on instagram with princeton and hi

Char: yea my Princey  pooh

Ge: yall are the cutest couple ever

Char: i knoe everyone say that and thanks i got to go im at a sleepover with them

Ge: arrd and i dont want no nieces or nephews bye

Char: okay bye

Char pov

I haven't talk with myy sister and know everyone is going to see me crying

Char: ........( crying)

Prince: wats wrong

Char: .........( looking at him)

Ray: did someone died

Prince: nigga wont u shut up( saying that while getting up to hug char)

Char: ...........i haven't she said while crying)

Prince: its going to be okay babe( saying that while hugging her )

Char: you always make me happy thats why i love you

Everyone except them: awww thats so cute

Prince: okay do anyone have to do something before i say the game ( saying that while him and char sitting back on the floor)

Everyone: no

Prince: okay the game is truth or dare

Everyone: yea

Prince pov

Okay here we go

Ray: i go first okay char truth or dare

Char: Dare

Ray: okay i dare u to french kiss prince for 5 whole minutes

Char: oh thats easy

Ray: without breaking the kiss

Everyone except ray: thats easy

Ray: damn just go

Char: okay bae u ready

Prince: oh i was born ready

She come over to me and sit between the space cause i was sitting criss cross so i lean in then i lean in and those soft lips hit my lips it felt like i was in heaven she enter my mouth and i enter hers we was touching tongues and i was about to do my secret move until i remember we was in front of everyone

Ray: okay 5 minutes is up

She get off of me and i felt like grabing her hand and pull her down but i have to remember im in front of everyone so i just slap that butt

Char: ouch

Prince: sorry

Char: okay my turn kayla i dare u to go upstairs and show ray what u got for an hour

Everyone: okay yall dont make no babies

Kay: okay come on ray

Ray: arrd

Char pov

Char: i will be right back

Prince: bae where u going

Char: get some thing

Prince: okay im coming( follow char behind)

Char : okay where the grapes ( in the fridge while bending down)

Prince: .....( walking in there and get behind her and grab her by her waist) right there

Char: bae come on now

Prince: sorry ( pick her up and put her on the counter )

Char: here ( put a grape in his mouth)

Prince: u know i want u tonight

Char: not tonight because the sleepover but tomorrow

Prince: okay but its an hour

Char: okay but( she get down and push him and run)

Prince: oh no u done now ( chasing after her)

Char: nooooo (run upstairs)

Prince: okay u got it this time

Char: okay yall are done know guys guys( she said while opening the door) guys oh

Prince: where they at

Char: they sleep so its time for us to go to sleep

Everyone: okay ( they said while grabing there  bfs and gfs)

Everyone: gn

Char: okay prince im sleeping by the window(she says while plugging up her phone)

Prince: okay ( while plugging his phone)

Char: omg she is so ugly ( scrolling down instagram)

Prince: who oh she is

Char: why u sound like that

Prince: because im tried ( fake yawns)

Char: princeton i know u not tried why u sound like that

Prince: bae i alright told u im tried

Char: JACOB PEREZ answer my question

Prince: damn u dont have to put my name out like that and that bahja my old girlfriend

Char: oh so why u didnt say that wait so she cute

Prince: yes no i dont know

Char: okay arrd( saying that and she mad)

Prince: bae come on u look way better than her ( putting his hand around her waist)

Char: move your hand jacob perez right now

Prince: aw man ( turned the opposite way)

Char: goodnight bae and why u move it was cozy

Prince: but u said to move( turning around and putting his hand around her waist)

Char: so if i told u to jump off a bridge would u do it

Prince: no

Char: okay then now goodnight

Prince: goodnight

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