Chapter 8

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Lilys POV

On the bus people are staring at me. I don't think I dressed that bad. I hide my face not wanting to see them anymore.

Once I'm at the mall I wait at the food court. I get a text from Harry.

'Lily they're at the mall!'

'Where?! WHERE?!'

'Idk all ik is that they're there!'

I start running as fast as I can heading for the door. I bump into someone.

"I'm so sorry"


He now has a tight grip on my wrist.


He covers my mouth with his other hand.

"Shut up or I call and tell Lisa to shoot Harry."

"She wouldn't shoot anyone, depending, for a million dollars! Especially not Harry!"

Niall goes pale. Was it what I said?

"Oh look is this that nerd that everyone is saying is with me?" it's another male voice.

"Don't act dumb we caught your little spy"

Niall now has my hands behind my back.

"She's not mine" he growls.

Niall pushes me towards Zayn and I slap Zayn hard. Oh great what did I just do.

Zayn pushes me to the floor then hits my jaw hard and that's all I remember.

Harry's POV

So Lisa and Louis are at my place now. Niall sent them.

"WHERE IS SHE" I scream.

"We honestly don't know we haven't heard anything"

"Harry we really don't want to upset you we don't really like doing this..."

"Shut up" I growl.

Zayns POV

Finally after an hour Lily and Lisa are waking. I don't know about the others yet right now but these two are the ones I'm most interested in.

"Wakey wakey sunshine" I say with a smirk.

"Where am I?"

"You don't have to be concerned on where your at Lillian"

"Well why are we with you?"


I walk to the room everyone else is in.

Let's just get this over with.

"Tiffany. Tell them why your with them."

"Because Harry's my bestfriend"

"The real reason!"

"Zayn sent me to spy! He knew as a kid Harry and I were great friends and I stopped talking to him! He knew Harry would be really happy that I came back and that's how I ended up being a spy!"

"Ok come on Tiffany your coming with me."

Harry stands up and grabs Tiffany by her collar.

"How could you" I can hear the hurt in his voice.

"H-Harry let me go!"

"How could you betray me like that"

He let's go of her and pushes me into a wall. He knees me in the stomach and pushes me to the floor. He continuously punches me.

"I'm going to kill you!"

I push him off and pin him to the floor.

"Your an idiot. How are you the leader of this misfit gang?" I growl. "You took her in without any questioning at all. I hope what happens next teaches you a good lesson."

I call in Liam and he takes my place pinning Harry down. I kick Harry hard in the stomach and punch hard across the face a few times.

"You don't punch me not expecting anything back"

Harry's POV

Zayn grabs a knife and jabs me in my stomach.

"Just to finish things off" he laughs.

I try to keep myself awake but I can't move. I know I'm losing a lot of blood and I'm definitely in a lot of pain.

I wake up in my bedroom. Lilys sitting next to me applying pressure to where Zayn stabbed me.


"Hey Lily" I mumble.

"We should go to the hospital Harry you need stitches..."

"No Lily we can't. Go into the bathroom and get the first aid kit"

"Already done."

She hands it to me.

"Harry..." Lily says looking down.

"What's wrong?"

"Is this gonna delay our escape?"

"No Lillian it won't"

She flinches and turns away.

"Harry don't call me that" she cries.

"Oh I'm so sorry"

"It's alright I guess"

"Can you bring me my laptop?"

She hands it to me and I log onto our favorite site.

"Let's watch Hetalia Lily"

I move over a little making room for her. She lays next to me and cuddles.

"Harry how are you feeling?"

"Sore but I'm okay"

"Alright tell me if you need anything"

"Lily I need a kiss"

She giggles and pecks my lips.

"What was that?!"

"A kiss"

"That was not a kiss"

I chuckle then kiss her passionately. We kiss for a little then she pulls away.

"Okay okay let's watch Attack o Titan"

"No no Hetalia"

"Attack on Titan."


She gives me puppy dog eyes.

"Alright" I pout and play Attack on Titan.

She curls up next to me. I can tell she's trying to stay awake.

"Lily just sleep" I chuckle.

"Night" she mumbles into my side.

"Night cutie"


A/n: OMG I'm sorry I haven't posted much. I've had play practice then I had my play. I hope to be posting more

-lots of love ME

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