Honey ÔxÔ

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How you met the guy: You were seven years old, but seemed more mature than most kids your age. You were a lot tougher too. One day, when you was walking in the park, you saw some kids from your school. They were about 3 years above you, and you never got along with them - they were so stuck up. You looked closer, and realized they were picking on some kid. A boy, who looked way younger than you did. He was holding a plush toy, a bunny, and the older boys were making fun of him. You really started hating those guys then. You rolled up your sleeves, tightened your ponytail, then stormed over. You yelled at them, but they just laughed in your face, while the little boy stared at you - wide eyed. Eventually, the biggest one pushed you down. Your face hit a rock and you got a large cut down your cheek. It was bleeding pretty badly, and you couldn't help but cry. That's when the little boy dropped the toy. He pushed each of the bullies down, sending them halfway across the park. He grabbed the toy in one hand, and your hand in the other. The boy ran quickly out the park, you in tow. He stopped eventually, and you slumped down on a nearby bench. ???: "Y'know, you're really stupid." You: "What?" ???: "Look, you got yourself hurt! Standing up to them the way you did was stupid." You: "Well, I'm sorry if I just tried to help you. I couldn't leave you there. I mean, they're all like 10, and you're probably only 4. I'm amazed that you could push them anyway." He blinked at you, tightly clutching the toy to his chest. ???: "I'm 9." You blinked back at him. You: "You're.... a year older than me?" He smiled. ???: "Yup! My name is Mitskuni, but you can call me Honey, 'kay?" You: "Um, okay, my name is _________." Honey: "That's a really pretty name, ________-chan!" He paused, then got up close to your face, making you blush. The cheery tone left his voice, and he looked at her seriously. Honey: "You're bleeding." You put a hand to your cheek, and it stung, and when you pulled your hand away it was covered in blood. You feel tears slipping down your cheeks again. You: "Hmph, so I am." He took a tissue out his pocket and wiped off some of the blood, then sat down next to you and hugged you. Honey: "Don't cry, _________, or you'll make me start crying too." You were a bit shocked at his actions, but smiled, and leaned into his hug. After that day you didn't see him again, until about 8 years later.

How you fell in love: You were standing in your favorite shop - Mama Lil's Bakery. Looking up at the menu, you just couldn't decide which to have. The strawberry, no the chocolate, but what about the lemon/lime? No, you just couldn't decide. The bell on the shop door rang, but you didn't bother looking to see who it was. You kept your eyes fixed on the board. Honey: "______-chan?" You gasped slightly, then turned to see the little blonde boy standing next to you, looking up at you curiously. Eventually he smiled. Honey: "It is you, isn't it? It's been so long _______-chan!" He hugged you tightly, and you slowly wrapped your arms round him too. He was still shorter than you,even if he was a year older, and you laughed. You: "Honey-sama, I'm so happy to see you!" Honey: "He he, ________-chan, would you like to come have some cake with me? I came to pick up my usual - two chocolate slices, two strawberry tarts, and two lemon cheesecake slices! We can split it!" You thought for a second, then nodded quickly, a huge grin on your face. You: "Sure, Honey! Uh, who's that?" You pointed at the extremely tall guy standing behind Honey. He picked Honey up and put him on his shoulder. Honey: "Eh? Oh, this is Takashi! But you can call him Mori." You: "Oh, uh, hi." Mori put a hand on your head and smiled at you, before picking you up and placing you on his other shoulder. Mori picked up the cakes and started walking out. Your right hand hung down his back, and Honey grabbed it, squeezing it tightly. He kept looking forward, smiling slightly, and you blushed and smiled as well. Later that day (after the cake was eaten):

Honey had been staring at you for most of the day now. He finally got up and walked over to Mori. He whispered something in Mori's ear, and he nodded and got up and left in reply. You sat down on one of the sofa's in Honey's room, and he came and sat on the opposite end. Gradually Honey started edging his way up the sofa towards you, until your hands were touching. He avoided making eye contact, but squeezed your hand. He then out his arm around your shoulders and pulled you towards him. He held you there for a moment, then put his other hand under your chin and stared into your eyes. You: "Um, Honey-sama?" Honey: "________-chan, did I ever tell you how pretty you are?" You blush slightly, and he giggles. Honey kissed you on your cheek, and you start to blush even more. Honey: "________-chan, you're gonna be my girlfriend now, 'kay?" He smiled goofily at you You: "I, uh... s-sure Honey..." Honey: "Awesome!" He leaned in and kissed you lightly on the lips, and you happily kissed him back.

Your Future: Once you graduated, you and Honey went on holiday together to one of his villas in the Carribean. You ate mango cake on the balcony, and when you cut into your fourth slice, you found an engagement ring. You immediately squeal out a yes and hug Honey almost half to death. You get married and have a beautiful loli girl named Violet, who Honey gives Usa-chan too. You live a long and happy life together, enjoying all things sweet.

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