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The months went by, Rhea pursued her relationship with Tom, they were labelled as boyfriend and girlfriend

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The months went by, Rhea pursued her relationship with Tom, they were labelled as boyfriend and girlfriend. Her feelings for Carter had faded. Caroline invited her to spend some of the summer in ther house in the hamptons as Serena and Blair were staying at the Waldorfs.

The girls were sat by the pool lounging in the sun. "So why didn't you go with Tom to visit his family in france I don't understand I would have gone."

"I don't want to meet his family yet." Rhea replied taking a sip of her orange juice. She felt like a child but didn't plan on day drinking, it was bad for her skin.

"Why not you met our entire family when you and Carter weren't even dating." Caoline replied with a knowing smirk.

Rhea only rolled her eyes. "Me and Carter weren't together, it was casual and I think Tom is going confess his love for me I need to stop that."

"Why? Do you love someone else?" Caroline asked in a teasing tone, Rhea turned her head looking at her with a glare. "I'm just saying I think you cared about Carter a lot more then you think, maybe that's why you wont meet Toms family? You feel guilty because your in love with my asshole or a brother?"

"I didn't come here for a therapy session Caroline." Rhea stated looking away from her, Caroline only smirked at her response.

The girls were lounging by the pool getting a tan for another 20 minutes until the door opened. "Carter!" Mrs Baizen greeted. Rhea looked at Caroline who was smirking. "And who is this lady?" Caroline's smirk only dropped and Rheas heart did aswell.

She sat back on the pool chair and leant back listening to Carter introduce 'shelly' to his mother. Moments later he brought the girl out too see Caroline and Rhea. "Hey Caroline! Rhea." Carter greeted. Rhea gave him a fake smile and pretended not to look, she had sunglasses on so she was secretly examining the girl. "This is my girlfriend Shelly."

Rhea scoffed, Caroline kicked the girl. "Hey sorry about Rhea she has got pains..."

Carter smirked knowing that wasn't true, "Were gonna go get settled in my room."

"Your staying?" Rhea piped up. The pair nodded, Shelly had her arms wrapped around his torso, Rhea felt sick looking at them. "Maybe Serena and Blair don't sound that bad." Rhea mumbled receiving an eye roll from Carter before him and his girlfriend walked upstairs.

"Rhea you do have a boyfriend yourself, you cant exactly be mad." Caroline commented.

"Mad? Me? No. I just think its embarrassing how I slept with him and now he's picking up trash from the street." Rhea spoke nostrils flairing.

"You sound jelause Rhee!" Carter shouted from the balcony.

"How did you even get up there so quick you bastard go fuck yourself!" She shouted up at him, he smiled and shook his head at the girl who had lunged up out her seat.

"That's what Shelly's for." And with that comment Rhea had picked up her orange juice and threw it at him, only gravity was against her. The juice flew back down and landed on the girl, Carter couldn't help but laugh and he then retreated into the balcony.

"I hate him."

Carter was sat alone by the pool, Rhea walked out in her bikini. The girl stepped into the pool wetting her body and hair, she wiped the water off her face and swam to the boarder. She rested her head on her arms leaving room to see her cleavage. "Why don't you get in Carter? Its no fun alone."

He bit his lip looking at the girl, "I'm good." He spoke, although he really wanted to get in with the girl. There was something about Rhea that he couldn't put his finger on. He kept feeling drawn back to her.

The girl wanted him to get in with her knowing he couldn't resist the girl, although she had a boyfriend. She wanted to prove something to herself. "Come on Carter, were just friends right? Prove it and I will leave you and your girl alone." She said pushing herself back into the pool.

He smirked at girl as he dived in the pool splashing her, he walked closer to the girl. "We can never really be just friends Waldorf." And with that he attached there lips kissing her... her neck leaving marks along her. She wrapped her legs around his waist. The girl clawed at his swim trunks, when they heard a nock at the door.

She pulled herself away from him, "My bedrooms on the bottom floor." And with that the pair ran into her room ignoring the door, they locked hers behind her one thing led to another and...

After there sexual encounter they lay in Rheas bed, the girl was tracing her finger along his muscles. "We should probably talk about what happened with Serena." She spoke.

He raised a brow at the girl, "You want to talk about that?"

"Look its not something we can just move on from, you and me we have partners this-" She motioned between them about to say something when carter cut her of with something she was not going to say.

"Doesn't mean anything." He lied, "Just a mutual attraction that went to far. Don't tell Shelly."

The girl nodded but Carter could see the hurt look on her face, "I'm sorry about what happened with Serena. I think you should probably go to Shelly anyway." She replied, Carter sat up with a nod.

He didn't want to go but he didn't know what to do with his feelings, it was more than an attraction more than a crush. Carter was scared he was falling for the raven haired girl who lay next to him.

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