If the Sky Falls

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The sudden burst of noise startled me; I bolted off the road just in time to avoid collision with the rapidly approaching taxi cab. I stumbled onto the pavement just as the grungy, yellow beast swept passed me.

                Hastily, I looked around; not one of the beings in the sea of bodies flooding Times Square had noticed my close brush with death, let alone helped me up or asked how I was. Quickly, I jumped up, not wanting to be swept away by the tidal wave of feet heading my way.  Sighing, I decided to forget the whole incident and continued on my way to work.

                Passing the numerous newsstands and the several substations, I noticed an obscure number of pictures of one man. They seemed to dominate the front page of every tabloid. Puzzled by this, I leant closer to one of them. I realised that the media plastering the papers was in fact pictures of the terrorist that everyone seemed to be in awe of. Obama bin Larkan, I think? For some reason, this didn’t seem to bother me. Recently everyone had been saying that the surprise attacks had been getting worse, but I figured that not even a terrorist would stoop so low as to attack the glorious New York City. Besides, with the amount of security around here, they wouldn’t be able to, would they?

                Without giving it another thought, I continued on. When I got to work, I took the elevator up to my dreary department.  Arriving at the fourth floor, I headed hastily to my office. The bureau was bustling with its usual flow of energy; sure thousands were being killed each day, but work still goes on, doesn’t it?

                The day dragged by, I hauled myself wearily from meeting to meeting, interview to interview. Eugh, I hated the thought of Tuesdays!

                Finally, the pain was over, and I collapsed into my desk. A little rest couldn’t hurt me, could it? Just as I was dozing off, I noticed my desk was slightly vibrating.  That was odd. Sleepily, my eyes opened. I drifted over to my door and opened it slightly.

                Chaos filled the air! People were running around screaming!  Suddenly, the whole building started shaking violently! What was happening? I rushed over to my boss, Mr Roberts. He would know!   Panicking, my voice came out in a rush; a gabble of confusion. Bewildered, he shook his head and told me the world was ending! Muddled, I sprinted over to the closest window to see if I could make any sense of his absurd ranting.

                 In the distance, I could make out two tiny black dots. That was odd; they seemed to look like… aeroplanes? A screeching noise reached my ears! It was the most terrible sound I had ever heard! It was worse than finger nails carelessly clawing a blackboard; at least a hundred, no a thousand times worse!

                The Black dots were coming closer, and closer, and closer! Louder and louder the noise grew! What was happening? The world really was ending!!!  

In an instant, everything went black…   

My eyes fluttered open! Around me was a cave of destruction; I was buried alive! Terrified, I fought the stiff walls around me and as a response a shower of debris encased me!  The world was so quiet; I could have heard a pin drop.  Suddenly, I heard voices in the distance. Was someone really here to save me? Feebly, I croaked “Help me!”…

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2012 ⏰

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