3. 11:11 pm

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Dear J,
8 pm and you're walking down the street just to meet me. I felt special even if it was just for a brief moment. Anyone would feel special having your full attention.
There were days I felt butterflies in my stomach but those days are gone. Now anxiety and fear fill my whole body, hoping you'll never get hurt because you don't deserve it.
I loved the fact that you couldn't stay quite with me. There was a waterfall of words falling from your mouth. Words that I will always carry with me. But I hope that you'll forget mine.
You used to look me in the eyes but now you look down, loving how the road is grey, reminding you the clouds from yesterday.
I know you can't do this anymore. I can feel it. I can see it. And you don't have to.
Now it's 11:11 pm and it's time for you to go home.

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