Day Off

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The girls had finished Mr Mr promotions and Tiffany, Seohyun, and Taeyeon are busy preparing for their comeback. The other members were all busy doing their individual schedules too. So when their manager had said they had a week off the girls all jumped for joy. They all agreed to stay in their dorm because they all haven't gathered in one place in a long time.

"Aah can't we have a year off instead," Jessica said as she jumped on the couch.

"Yah sica get down from there before you fall down on your ass," shouted Hyoyeon who was currently cooking in the kitchen.

"Shuddup and cook me my food Kim," Sica glaring at her blonde friend.

"Get down before I put cucumbers in the food Jung."

Jessica glared at her before finally coming down.

"Unnie will you please stop arguing, its still so early in the morning."

"Its already 2 in the afternoon Yoong," the two girls looked at her weirdly.

"Whatever, i'm just surprised to see Jessica unnie up so early."

"Yah Im Yoona!" Jessica glared at the doe eyed girl, ready to chase her out of the country.

"Hehe i'm kidding unnie, I love you~" Yoona said as she pulled the older girl close and tried to kiss her cheek.

"YAH KIM HYOYEON GET THIS CHODING OFF ME!" Sica yelled as she pushed Yoona away from her face.

Hyoyeon just shrugged and continued to cook. "Your on your own buddy," she smirked as she cut the onions.

"YAH I'LL REMEMBER THIS WHEN YOU TRY TO ASK FOR MY HELP FOR ANYTHING!" Yelled Jessica as she desperately ran away from the second maknae.

"When do I ever need your help Sic." Hyoyeon grinned mischievously at the other girl.

"Ouch that must have hurt," Sooyoung said as she came out of nowhere munching on some chips.

"Yah I'm almost halfway done with cooking and your already eating, your gonna spoil your appetite."

"Sooyoung please help me from Yoona's evil clutches." Jessica finally gave up and is currently on the ground and Yoona latching onto her like a koala.

"What's in it for me"

"I'll buy you food"

"Sica i don't think i would be wasting my money like that," said the blonde trying to take away the chips from the tall girl.

"Now you care about me" The girl pouted.

"We're like sisters of course I care about you" Hyo said still focused on cooking

"What's going on here," said Taeyeon as she and the all the other member came back from grocery shopping.

"Hyo's confessing her love for Jessica while Yoona's seducing Sica at the same time." Sooyoung said as she opened another bag of chips.

"Im Yoona what about us!" Said Yuri pulling Yoona off of Jessica.

"I swear it isn't what it looks like!" Yoona said clinging onto Yuri this time.

"Is lunch ready yet?"

"Fany your home!" Jessica ran to Tiffany and jumped on her.

"Taeyeon stop staring at Jessi's butt" Tiffany glared at her.

"Taengsic Bishes" Hyoyeon said from the kitchen.

"Soonkyu! Did you buy the thing?" Jessica asked as she got off Tiffany.

"Yeah, but why do you need it," Sunny looked at her weird. " And it's Sunny"

"I can call you Soonkyu cuz im special," she smirked

"We all call her Soonkyu, Jessi." Said Tiffany

"Not so special now are we maomao," Sooyoung smirked.

"Unnie when is lunch ready" Seohyun asked.

"In a bit Seo, unnie's just gotta set up the table."

"I'll help you" she said as she ran to Hyoyeon and helped her set the table.

"As expected from our maknae" Taeyeon stroked her hair.

"You should learn from her Tae," Yuri said

The two then got into an argument and the rest just ignored the two.

"Yah Sooyoung can you call everyone to the table lunch is ready." Hyoyeon said as she placed the final plate on the table.

"About time" she mumbled getting off her butt to call everyone.

"I heard that you giant," she glared at her.

"Love you Hyo," Sooyoung stuck her tongue before leaving to call the others.

Everyone except Jessica came to the kitchen. Manager Hwang's senses tingled and felt like everybody weren't here so she decided to take roll.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, we're missing somebody" she said looking around, after looking around she knew who was missing, "JUNG JESSICA GET YOU BUTT TO THE KITCHEN RIGHT NOW!"

Jessica suddenly ran into the kitchen with a lit torch. "Look what Soonkyu bought me guys!" Everyone face palmed.



Taeyeon felt a migraine coming, "Someone just put out the fire before it burns down the building"

Tiffany got up and and took the torch and went to the bathroom to put it out with water. Jessica pouted and curled up into a ball and sulked.

"As expected from Manager Hwang" Taeyeon said continuing to eat.

"You should learn from her," Yuri smirked.

"You wanna go Kwon?!" Yuri just giggled.

"Jessi, come to the table and eat your lunch," Tiffany coming back from putting out the fire

Yoona ended up dragging Jessica to the table and Tiffany spoon fed her because she refused to eat. Today was a typical day in the soshi dorm. Hopefully the girls learned to not buy Jessica anything anymore.

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