Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu. May Allah (S.W.T) cure all those who are ill, grant everyone good health and ease their problems. May Allah (S.W.T) forgive all our sins, grant our forefathers Jannatul Firdaus and make us and our descendants righteous.
I want to mention that I will be adding more beautiful information from my side as well, apart from the taken sources.
Something really important I want to request you guys. Please make Dua for my friend's grand mother who passed away yesterday and also for my teacher who is suffering from Cancer. She is a Christian woman so please do pray for her guidance as well.
Jazakumullah Khairan for everything!
All praises be to Allah (S.W.T), our Creator, Nourisher and Sustainer and Salawaat be upon our beloved Nabi Muhammad (Sallalahu 'alayhe wasallam).
Wealth is an important part of a person's life. For some, it is a means of happiness and contentment, for others it can become a means of their destruction.
Wealth is considered to be acquired in one of two ways. Firstly, through the system of cause and effect - by us thinking that financial success is due to our efforts or secondly going to the source of all wealth, i.e. Allah (S.W.T) and acquiring your Rizq by turning to Him.
In the first instance a person might receive wealth, but his earnings will be devoid of providing true inner fulfilment and satisfaction, whereas a person attaining wealth after turning to Allah (S.W.T) first, will find that the same wealth to be a source of Barakah and happiness.
If we were to look for an Islamic definition of Productivity, it can probably be summarised in the word "Barakah" or Blessing. Being able to achieve more with few resources, doing much in little time, and generating a lot with little effort is surely a blessing from Allah (Subahanahu Wa Ta'ala).
Yet Barakah has somehow become a lost treasure these days; everyone's looking for it, but no one seems to find it! You always hear people complaining that there's no Barakah in their time, no Barakah in their sleep, no Barakah in their money and the rest of it.
The objective of this book is to encourage all readers to try and expand our Rizq (provision) through Amal (good actions) and thereby live a life of happiness and tranquillity.
Allah (S.W.T) says in the Noble Qur'an,
"As for that male or female who does good and is a believer, we will certainly grant them a good (peaceful and contented) life (in this world) and most surely reward them (in the hereafter as well) for the good that they do."If we seek to acquire wealth primarily through our own endeavours or simply for amassing of wealth then that same wealth becomes a means of our destruction.
Allah (S.W.T) says in the Noble Qur'an,
"Rivalry in amassing wealth has made you negligent (heedless of fulfilling Allah Taala's commands). Until you reach the grave. (And realise the futility of amassing wealth). Never (This rivalry will not benefit you) Soon you will come to know."Hoarded wealth will become a constant worry for a person and a means of anguish.
Allah (S.W.T) tells us in the Noble Qur'an in Surah Munaafiqoon, chapter 63, verses 9-11:
9. O you who have believed, let not your wealth and your children divert you from remembrance of Allah . And whoever does that - then those are the losers.
10. And spend [in the way of Allah] from what We have provided you before death approaches one of you and he says, "My Lord, if only You would delay me for a brief term so I would give charity and be among the righteous."
11. But never will Allah delay a soul when its time has come. And Allah is Acquainted with what you do.
Therefore, after reading through this booklet, let us all endeavour to try and obtain our Rizq from Allah (S.W.T) by doing those actions which will be a means for us to draw closer to Him. May Allah (S.W.T) grant every one of us abundant Rizq and a life full of Barakah and contentment. Aameen.
In this book, we'll solve this mystery In Shaa Allah: we'll find out what Barakah is and where you can find it!
Remember everyone in your precious Duas, the whole Ummah.
Another update will be soon! In shaa Allah!
Fee Amanillah💖

Treasures of Barakah
Spiritual💖21 secrets to increase in بركة - Barakah (blessings) of ALLAH💖