Chapter One

18 1 7

The Hunters and the Hunted



Entry 413:

Nothing new. Haven't seen anyone else. Figures. I could do with some company. My roommate's always out of the house, except in the evening. Anything and anyone would be nice. Except wolves. Because fuck wolves. I should probably record what happened, you know, how I ended up here and why the fuck the world is like this now. Well, I'm not one for telling stories, but here I go. Ahem.

Five years ago, life was relatively normal. Overwatch was illegally reforming (shhh), Talon was doing what it does best (killing people), and Vishkar and Volskaya were doing god knows what. You know, good times. Then, some stupid scientist gets the idea of, hey, maybe we can use the DNA of animals (specifically, wolves. Ugh.) to become stronger! Or something like that. I was, like, eleven. I didn't know shit. And almost everyone else (keyword: almost) said, fuck no mate, we're not becoming goddamn dogs. Or something. Again, I don't know. I was a kid. Go easy on me. I don't even know which idiotic person first had the idea of this. Whatever. They're probably dead anyways. Anyhow, that person was really really set on conducting their experiment thing. So, they gathered a few of their friends, science shit happened, and kablam! Woof woof motherfucker.

Nah, I won't just leave you hanging. I actually do know a little about what happened (lots of science BS), so bear with me now.

Ok, so they took several blood samples from wolves, and what do you know, they weren't exactly friendly afterwards. They (somehow) evaporated the blood, leaving them with only the DNA portion of it. Again, I don't really know how any of this works. I'm not a scientist. I'm an herbalist now. Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah. Wolf blood. Ok, then they took the DNA and were probably thinking, soooooo... what do we do with this? And then someone was like, hey, let's inject it into ourselves! And everyone else was like WhAt A gReAt IdEa!! UGH. I thought scientist were supposed to be smart. I honestly can't believe that not a single fucking person spoke up and said "Hey guys, maybe this isn't such a good idea." But nope! And because of those assholes, the rest of us are stuck in this shitty, godforsaken world! Siiiiiiiiigh... Where was I? Right. Anyway, after they injected themselves with the DNA, they became... something else? They weren't human, but they certainly weren't wolves either. Honestly, the best way I could describe them is as werewolves. Mcfuckintastic. Oh, but they weren't just any werewolves, oh no! They became feral, nearly rabid, and that's just as humans! As wolves they were even worse, they would kill anything, and I mean anything on sight! They had no memories of being human at all. Eventually, some of the jackasses somehow got into several organization buildings, and guess what! It was full moon! And guess what (x2)! They were even meaner on the full moon! And guess what (x3, last one, I swear)!? Their stupid fucking bites were contagious on the full moon. Pretty soon almost everyone in those buildings had been turned into a werewolf, and it just keeps getting worse. Some of the smarter werewolves formed packs, and that's even more terrifying! Most people have given up trying to reason with them, cause ya know what? They're dead. Eventually, Overwatch and Talon (and maybe Vishkar and Volskaya, sources vary), or what was left of them, decided to put aside their differences or something cause this goddamn world doesn't need any more fucking problems at the moment, thank you very much. They've taken up a new name, just The Hunters, and seem to work 24/7. Except on full moons. See, the fighters are divided into the Hunters and the Hunted. Usually, on ordinary days, the werewolves are the Hunted and the humans are the Hunters, if you have the right equipment. It's hard to hunt those assholes, I've been told. First you gotta arm yourself, then you gotta actually find those bitches, then you have to actually manage to kill the goddamn things. But then, on the full moon, the tables are completely turned. The humans become the Hunted, and the werewolves become the Hunters. The werewolves' main goal is to turn as many humans as possible into wolves, which should be sorta obvious by now. Of course, there are other people on the sidelines, like mechanics, shopkeepers, and herbalists, like me. Oh, and did I mention that those stupid wolves destroyed almost all the omnics?! I don't know why the fuck they did, but they did, and now half of us have lost our good friends and companions to those asshats! It's like the final cherry on top of the sundae of absolute bullshittery. If I ever find a werewolf, and it ain't doing anything, I'll probably just leave it, because A. I don't know shit about fighting, and B. I kinda feel bad for most of the wolves, to be honest. It wasn't their fault that they got changed, they were just at the wrong place at the wrong time. I wouldn't really have the heart to kill it. Fuck, it's already 4? I have an appointment at 4:15, I'd better get back to the shop. Wonder if anything will happen tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2018 ⏰

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