Lost Appetite

3 0 0

Front Yard

"Let me look over
the list one more time:

□ Yeast
□ Flour
□ Pizza Sauce
□ Mozzarella
□ Pepperoni
□ Mushrooms
□ Ground meat
□ Bellpeppers
and last but not least,
□ Black Olives"


Despite just reading

it aloud, she reads
over the list again

"If I remember
correctly, that's all
she likes on her

She sighs

"It's been so long. I
hope Nina enjoys it.
And also doesn't
mind me popping in
out of the blue."

Inside Store

"No... No..!? Please tell
me I'm just looking in
the wrong spot, please
please pleeeease!"

"Wait, they're out of
all of their cheese too?"

"Who would buy an entire
store's stock of bellpeppers!?"

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