Chapter 12

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Emerali leaned back in her seat, prepared for a trying session with this prisoner. "Well, I've got all day. If you don't wanna talk today, there's always tomorrow. Daevas have forever."

Leiva chuckled wickedly. "But does Elysea?"

Emerali's beautiful features darkened. "The rifts from Elysea open constantly, but never with the level of Aetheric energy that they opened with yesterday. I know you Asmodians are hatching some dangerous scheme. Tell me what you're up to."

Leiva only smiled.

Emerali rose and approached the bars, her eyes smoldering. "Don't think that because we Elyos happen to serve the Light that it renders you safe, Leiva. There are Elyos among us of far less sympathetic minds who won't hesitate at the chance to torment an Asmodian who threatens the existence of our world. Tell me, would you find it humorous still if you were to be beaten to within an inch of your life then sent back to Asmodae bound and gagged with a note pinned to your flesh, reporting that you were captured and forced to betray your comrades?"

Leiva chuckled. "No one who knows me would believe that for a moment."

"I think they would if various Elyos legions marched through a rift into Asmodae, with you in tow, against one of your fortresses. We Elyos can alter Aetheric energy as well. I don't imagine your compatriots would appreciate that. You'd be charged with treason. I understand that your own prisons quite terrifying," Emerali told her.

Silence fell for several minutes. At last Leiva seemed to reconsider. "Yesterday's invasion of your precious Heiron was only the beginning," she said at last. "There's much more to come. That was merely a distraction. While you Elyos were busy fighting us back, an Asmodian warrior with a special mission was making their way to a chosen position from which to strike at you from within your own land."

"Who was it, and where were they deployed?" demanded Emerali.

"That much I don't know. But I can tell you this: they're already here, and you don't have much time."

"What's their plan? You must know that."

"I don't, but I know how you can find out. The secret military base from which all of this stems is hidden deep beneath the snowfields of Morheim in the northernmost region thereof," Leiva informed her.

"What kind of resistance will I be met with?"

"On the surface, none--at least not during the day. At night, it's another matter. Underground, you'll have to contend with many soldiers, but it's Kildim you want. He's the father of this plot."

"How will I know where to look if the base is under all that snow?"

"There's a memorial statue there. It is a false memorial built only to mark the location to those in the know."

Emerali narrowed her eyes at Leiva. "How do I know you're telling me the truth?"

Leiva rose and stood before Emerali. "I guess that's a chance you'll have to take, isn't it? I gave you the information; do with it as you will."

After a moment's contemplation, Emerali withdrew and began to retreat. There wasn't a moment to lose--she had to follow that clue as quickly as possible.

"Oh, Emerali," Leiva called after her.

Emerali paused and glanced over her shoulder.

"May the shadows be upon you."

Emerali departed with even greater haste, but in her ears rang the bloodcurdling sound of Leiva's malevolent laughter as it echoed throughout the prison.

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