First Day Of a New Beginning

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you ran down the street, panting, you were extremely tired , but You finally made it.  You ran to your first class. the Room was 3B, math class.

When You Walked in You Looked straight at the clock, knowing you left your phone behind... "8:15am".

"Hello, I'm Ms. Carnes. May I ask Why Your Late, and who may you be"?

"I'm Sorry". you said trying to catch your breath. "I'm y/n, I'm New here, I got my Classes yesterday, I'm sorry for being tardy".

"Okay, Well hello y/n, nice meeting you... you can have a seat next to Nash".

Ms.Carne's pointed towards an empty desk, the ONLY empty desk, next to a blue eyed attractive boy. As you walked towards the seat you felt all eyes on you, you felt your face get hot and you started to get red.

"y/n"? Mrs Carne's called out

"yes ma'm"? you quickly faced her.

"why don't you tell the class a little about yourself".

You felt your tummy knot up and you resumed walking to the desk "Sorry, but I'm not the open type".

you quickly sat next to the blue eyed boy by the name of "Nash". You knew he was looking at you, you felt it ... you slowly picked your head up & caught his eye. He looked confused

"Whaaaat"? you coughed out

"You have sticks in your hair". replied Nash

You felt your eyes watering up, you were so nervous & you realized that you ran under so many trees on the way here.

"Maybe I like my hair that way". you had no idea why you replied with that rude comment.

The Nash Kid quickly turned away and never looked back at you. 

That Period Ended quickly. You pulled out Your Schedule from your back pocket and read "E4 , History" you quickly walked towards the E wing and noticed a bathroom. You pulled yourself in and took all the tiny branches out of your messy, pulled back hair, then continued on your way.

Once you walked in the class you noticed 1 empty seat ... yet again it was next to the blue eyed boy

"Son of a Bitch" you thought in your head, and sat in the seat.

"Lemme see your schedule"

you looked to your right and noticed , this Nash kid asking for your schedule

"Here". you pulled it out and set it in his hand.

Nash Scanned through your classes and looked up, raising one eyebrow.

"Yo, we have the next 4 classes together, what's your name?"

"y/n, why?"

"just wondering , I didn't catch it in math... so thought I'd ask".

"okaaaay , soo what's yours?" I asked ... obviously knowing the answer.

"Nash ... Nash Grier". He replied with the smallest smile.

"Nice Name .. Nash, I like it".

"Thanks .. by the way your hair looks better". he replied turning away.

You dropped your eyes on your thighs And Never lifted them... you didn't even listen to the teacher ... for some reason "Nash Grier" was stuck in your head.

As History ended you already knew you had gym next. So you walked your Lil happy ass to gym, knowing Nash Grier ... would too, be there.

"Y/n"! you heard a familar voice call out, you turned your whole body to see the blue eyed boy...

"sup nash"

"follow me"! he said

Your mind went blank ... why did he want you to follow him? You were confused, but you did. Nash led you to an empty building behind the basketball courts.

"woah ... What's up... I Gotta get to Gym class".

"Nevermind Gym class y/n, your new here and I just thought this would be the best chance to make friends".

"you look like your popular though".

"but really, I'm not I keep my circle small... I have only one good friend I talk to & his names cam".

you felt yourself staring in Nash's eyes

"Well what do you want to know about me"?


As You started talking to this kid you told him alooooot of stuff &  he told you a lot back. As you heard the bell, you seen Nash Jump up and instantly hug you.

"you seem really cool y/n ... meet cam and i right here at break"!

"sure thing". you forced out

What was this feeling ... its your fist day. at a new school & your talking to an amazing individual Known as Nash. You two talked in every class you had together and kept learning more about each other .

After school You finally got to meet cam. Reasoning to why you didn't at break, was because he was in the office.

Cameron was a tall dark haired. wide eyed. deep voiced, handsome guy.

"whatsup I'm Cameron .. you can call me Cam. Nash told me some stuff about you". He said to you with a wide smile.

you turned and smiled at Nash to see him smile in return.

"well I'm y/n , nice to meet you cam".

you and cam talked a bit and you noticed your mom roll up bumping Country. Your eyes widened and you laughed.

"That's my mom guys I gotta go. thanks Nash for easing my day, nice to meet you two". you yelled running to the car.

"Bye y/n cya tomorrow" you heard Nash scream as you got in the car.

you buckled up, with a huge grin on your face, looked your mom in the eye & to see her puckering her lips out and raising both eyebrows, As you two laughed you drove away and in the rearview mirror you noticed a tiny Nash waving goodbye.


This is hard for me . sorry if it sucks so far. it'll get better promise !

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