uh oh

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hoesuck: we should all go for diner tn yallsies

hoesuck: yo whp tf nsmed me hoeseuck imma whip ur ass

lejindary: "hoseuck"

jooniesjams: It was, Taehyung.

taebum: iekd wht ur sayinf pfffff

hoesuck: najmoon hyunf y is ur nsme jooneiesjams

junglecock: ok but how do you even mess that up

junglecock: and uh i got stuff to do tn my bad

taebum: noooo jeon dknt !!

junglecock: ;) gtg

jooniesjams: I don't know. Jin hyung changed my name and and I don't know how to change it back.

lejindary: it suits u tho hun

lejindary: im down for dinner tho

taebum: i doknt hasve anythgin better to do

hoesuck: aw thx guyss

jooniesjams: Well, I guess I'm spending my free night with you guys.

hoesuck: @sugar

taebum:  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

sugar: shut the f u c k u p

jooniesjams: Why 'Sugar'?

sugar: it auto corrected and, i can't be bothered to change it now.

jooniesjams: Oh.

sugar: and ill go i got nothin better to do

taebum: yahooo!

sugar: should i invite jimin too?

taebum: wait bjt hyuhg he dwsnt kno jin hyunf and najommn hyung

sugar: sure he does, i think you should be rethinking your friendship, taehyung.

lejindary: yeah i feel bad for him... hes always studying and never eats


jooniesjams: Wait, why isn't he in this chat?

sugar: idk taehyungs the one who made it


lejindary: come on taehyung we've known him since he moved in

jooniesjams: What made you think we didn't?

taebum: w e l l. sicne jimn always stays in his room i thought he only knew like me yoongi hyunng and maybe hosjok????? so i never added hjm ehre

lejindary: im offended.

jooniesjams: Amazing, I've never seen this much of a correct-spelling sentence from you.

taebum: hynuf that wads rood

jooniesjams: Well I don't blame you for not knowing, Jimin never really talks to anyone that much.

taebum added 'chimthicc' to the chat.

sugar: i don't think he'll come, he has a big test tomorrow. and he's fucking serious about it.

taebum: @chimthicc

jooniesjams: Isn't he studying right now?

taebum: yaeh bit idonest hurt to try

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