hoesuck: we should all go for diner tn yallsies
hoesuck: yo whp tf nsmed me hoeseuck imma whip ur ass
lejindary: "hoseuck"
jooniesjams: It was, Taehyung.
taebum: iekd wht ur sayinf pfffff
hoesuck: najmoon hyunf y is ur nsme jooneiesjams
junglecock: ok but how do you even mess that up
junglecock: and uh i got stuff to do tn my bad
taebum: noooo jeon dknt !!
junglecock: ;) gtg
jooniesjams: I don't know. Jin hyung changed my name and and I don't know how to change it back.
lejindary: it suits u tho hun
lejindary: im down for dinner tho
taebum: i doknt hasve anythgin better to do
hoesuck: aw thx guyss
jooniesjams: Well, I guess I'm spending my free night with you guys.
hoesuck: @sugar
taebum: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
sugar: shut the f u c k u p
jooniesjams: Why 'Sugar'?
sugar: it auto corrected and, i can't be bothered to change it now.
jooniesjams: Oh.
sugar: and ill go i got nothin better to do
taebum: yahooo!
sugar: should i invite jimin too?
taebum: wait bjt hyuhg he dwsnt kno jin hyunf and najommn hyung
sugar: sure he does, i think you should be rethinking your friendship, taehyung.
lejindary: yeah i feel bad for him... hes always studying and never eats
jooniesjams: Wait, why isn't he in this chat?
sugar: idk taehyungs the one who made it
lejindary: come on taehyung we've known him since he moved in
jooniesjams: What made you think we didn't?
taebum: w e l l. sicne jimn always stays in his room i thought he only knew like me yoongi hyunng and maybe hosjok????? so i never added hjm ehre
lejindary: im offended.
jooniesjams: Amazing, I've never seen this much of a correct-spelling sentence from you.
taebum: hynuf that wads rood
jooniesjams: Well I don't blame you for not knowing, Jimin never really talks to anyone that much.
taebum added 'chimthicc' to the chat.
sugar: i don't think he'll come, he has a big test tomorrow. and he's fucking serious about it.
taebum: @chimthicc
jooniesjams: Isn't he studying right now?
taebum: yaeh bit idonest hurt to try
hallucinating - jikook
Romancejungkook and jimin have their own background problems, being in the old college they are in, they end up in the same elevator. but that's only how they meet. jungkook being a playboy, and sleeping with almost every girl on campus, says he's straigh...