;) *wink wink*

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HAHAHAHAHA ok so last chapter was a major cliff hanger.

But tbh I forgot I did that 😂. So! There will be a big update, when I get my new razer black widow keyboard. I actually spilled rootbeer all over my keyboard today. So, maybe 2 weeks. But it will be worth it guys. I promise! It will be kinda long. (Or short ;) )

Ok, so. I understand that some of u people are like younger than me. I honestly don't care. I swear so much, I do bad things, I have done bad things, but I don't need to know about u. I know that sounds harsh, but u people are like 12, and doing shit that I'm doing now. Seriously, if u do things and brag about them, ur not cool. Don't even do that to ur body or some shit. Or do it, but I don't need to know about it.

I feel like I'm going to loose followers, or get annoying comments, and or make enemies. But, I really don't care anymore.

I'm sorry if I seem mean, but I hate to break it to u, irl I am mean. If u wanna bother me, do it on twitter or some shit.

But I hope u don't hate me.

Oh and the British boy is back 😂😂😂 he apologized to me, even tho I was the one to blame. Whatever.


~ Jenny

Twitter: xXJennyTweetsXx

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