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I helped the foreman feed and muck stalls out early in the morning. It was six in the morning in early spring. I was in a hoodie with a tank top underneath. I then saddled up the gelding I usually rode and went out to check the herd of five hundred cows plus the bull. I made sure I had my six millimeter hand gun on me before pulling myself up into the saddle.

Life around here is super busy. I had to nearly gallop out to the herd, count new calves and make sure they were all there. For most of them, it's their second calf. When I was done there, I went back up to the barn, unsaddled my horse and went to check the mares. "Boss. The two that called about the ranch hand positions are here." James, my forehand said.

"Have them wait in my office. I'm going to finish up with these last two mares before washing my hands and see if they've got what it takes." I said. Then the alarm went off. "Looks like one is dropping today." I said. Then made my way straight to the mare. The one I was about to check. Annie came out of the office with two oversized towels.

James had some water in a bowl. I went directly to assess the situation. "Those two jumped when the mare alarm went off." Annie said as she approached. I chuckled. "What did you tell them?" I asked as I checked her belly then how close the front hooves were. "That a mare had just gone into labor and might be slightly late." She told me. I tried to find its head. "It's breeched." I told them.

The mare was refusing to lay down too. I sighed. Then had to let her push it out until I could get the heels. I had to help her and fast before we lost money. Once it was halfway out, I had to be even quicker. Once it was out I cleared it's nose and mouth making sure it could breathe. 

I was relieved when it started to struggle. I towel dried it off before checking the gender. "A filly. We can get some good foals or some good money off of her." I said. They both nodded. "Well I should get cleaned up before meeting with those two." I said. "I'll let them know you will be along shortly girl."

I went to the barn bathroom and showered there before getting into my spare barn clothes and going to my office. As I entered the office, I was met with two extremely identical faces. The only difference was the color of their shirts. I'm going to probably figure out some way to tell them apart.

I leaned against Annie's desk looking over them both as they sat shoulder to shoulder on the couch. "Have you ever moved hay?" I asked. "For this farmer that sold it as profit." One answered. "Feed animals a certain amount every day?" I asked. "Yes ma'am." The other said. Their voices are different. "Worked with cattle?"

"At a livestock auction yard for a year." The first one said. "I'm guessing the same with horses?" "Yes ma'am." They both said at the same time. I nodded. "Any welding experience?" I asked. The second one pointed to the first one. "I don't think I need to ask about vehicle engines do I?" I asked. "No ma'am." The second one said.

"James." He came in standing at the door. "Yes ma'am?" He asked. "Please show these two their quarters and around the main layout of the ranch. Then show them the outer borders of the ranch if you have time." I told him. "Yes ma'am." "Let them use one of the geldings. I've got to go out and get another one anyway." I said. "Yes ma'am." James said before having them follow him.

I went out to groom the horses before it got too hot outside. I changed their water and checked on the new filly. She was standing up and wobbling around on her spindly legs. I changed her dam's water before going on to the stallion. He was stamping his hooves and had his tail raised high. He knows there's two new males in his territory and he wants to know if they are out to steal his girls.

I patted him on the neck before giving him fresh water. I then pitched them some hay before turning the misters on above them. Finally I went to my office for the afternoon for some paperwork. Annie did have them fill out applications for the job. It listed everything they could do and everywhere they worked.

I decided to call a few of these places and see how hard these two actually work. "Yes. I would like to speak with the manager." I said to a person on the phone. "This is he." "I'm calling about two guys that might have worked there for a short amount of time. Their names are Eli and Kent..." "Jacobson." He said cutting me off. "Yes sir." I said.

"What have those two gotten into?" He asked. "Nothing. I'm just curious as to how hard of workers they are." I told him. "They will work as hard as you tell them to. It does not matter how many tasks you give them, they will work themselves to death until they are finished with whatever task you give them." He said.

"Another question." I said. "Yes?" He asked. "How old were they when they came to work for you?" I asked. "I was their first boss. They started working for me when they were sixteen. Full time." He answered. "Thank you that's all I need to know right now. If you want to give me some more tips on them feel free to call." I said.

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