H e s

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The short boy screamed out at the nurse, who shakily pointed out room 316 due to the sudden shout.


Luckily a freshman student, Jungkook, entered the bathroom after Hoseok fell unconscious and hastily called the ambulance before running into his class to the the teacher, where Yoongi also sat in.

So he immediately stood and ran to his locker, hoping it wasn't the boy who he hoped. But instead, he gasped at the tear-stained note. "Signed Jung Hoseok..." he whispered, voice cracking. Sprinting to the bathroom, eyes tearing at the sight of the bright boy on the floor.

Yoongi spotted a pink piece of paper and read it through blurred eyes,

"Wear this on my funeral please, it reminds my of your beautiful cheeks."

And right next to the note was a pastel pink bottle of dye.

He cradled the dying boy in his arms and sobbed, whispering heartbreaking words into the mans ear, repeatedly kissing his soft lips.

It wasn't long until the ambulance came to aid Hoseok, forcing him out of Yoongi's hands, giving him no choice but to follow in his car.


The crying boy bursted into the room where he immediately cried harder at the sight of the usually happy boy sitting lifelessly on the hospital bed.

He grabbed the spare chair and moved to next to the boy. Yoongi grasped his limp hand and held it to his lips, staring at Hoseok with tears streaming down.


One of the boys' eyes fluttered open, eyes widening at the body sleeping heavenly, a boy with mint hair.


The sound of Hoseoks dry voice snapped the sleeping boy awake, who has gasped and threw himself at the other male, arms wrapping around his neck. "H-Hoseok! You're awake!"

Yoongi barely gave the boy time to react before smashing his lips in his into his, more tears coming down. With Hoseoks heart racing, eyes as big as plates, soon closed as he responded to the loving kiss. His fairly muscular hands wrapping around the small boy, one hand intertwining with Yoongi's. While Yoongi's vacant hand softly tugged on the laying males hair.

Minutes later they pull away from each other,

"I love you so much."

"I love you too..."

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