Jungkook's Birthday

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It's almost Jungkook's birthday.Its August 30th and September 1st will be his birthday.Oh my gosh I don't know what to get him.I need to go to the store.But I don't want to!But I have to!

I went to store and saw Jin!
Y/n:Y/n!Nice to see you agin.What are you doing here?
Y/n:I need to get a present for Jungkook's birthday.
Y/n:I don't know what to get him do you have any idea.
Jin:Yes.He likes to drawl so I'm getting him a journal and a set of water color pencils.
Y/n:Oh!That gave me an idea on what to get him!
Jin:Ok.Bye see you at Jungkook's birthday party.
Y/n:Ok bye!
You searched all around the store and found what you were looking for.

Y/n:Ok bye!You searched all around the store and found what you were looking for

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He is going to be so happy!!

Y/n:Yes!Im finally home!
But alone agin.
*Phone rings*
It's Taeyhung!I haven't talked to him in so long!
Tae:How are you?
Tae:Perfect.Now that I'm talking to you.
Y/n:Weirdo.Any way so are you going to Jungkook's birthday party?
Tae:Umm...Yeah stupid.
Y/n:Hey don't call me that!
Y/n:I'm hanging up!
Y/n:Then stop!
Y/n:Hey what did you get for Jungkook's birthday?
Tae:Nothing yet.I just don't know what to get him.
Y/n:Get him something you know he likes.
Tae:I know he likes art and cleaning.
Y/n:Well get him some things to clean or art supplies.
Tae:Ok thanks for the help.
Tae:Well Sorry but I have to go.
Y/n:Ok bye.
Taeyhung P.O.V
It was so great to talk to Y/n.Well we haven't talked since we graduated high school.Which was a long time ago!Well I need to go to the store.I will go to the store with Jin.
Jin P.O.V
*Phone rings*
It's tae!What does he want!?
Tae:Umm can you go to the store with me?
Tae:Well I need to get Jungkook something for his birthday.
Jin:Sure I'll go.
Tae:Thank you Bye!
Jin:Wait are you coming to my house or am I going to your house?
Tae:I'm going to your house so bye now.
Jin:Ok bye.

It has been 20 minuets!Were is Taeyhung!
*Ding Dong*
Finally he's here!
Mail Man:Here is your mail but sign here.
Jin:Ok thank you.
Mail Man:Ok bye.
Jin:Ahhhhhhhhh!Where is Tae?!
*Phone rings*
Tae:Sorry I didn't call earlier but umm..I had to go to dinner with my parents and we went to the store to shop for Jungkook's birthday.
Tae:Yeah Sorry.
Jin:It's ok bye.
Wow.That whole time I could be doing something else I was waiting for him.Wait I know I could do call Y/n and we can go for a walk around town.But I don't have her phone number!Taeyhung does though I could ask him for her phone number.
*Phone rings*
Jin:What is Y/n phone number?
Jin:Thank you so much!
Tae:Wait why?
Jin:Oh well me and Y/n wanted to go some where together.But...I didn't have her number.
Jin:Well Bye.But Thank you so much agin.
Tae:Ok have fun love bird.
Jin:I don't like her.
Tae.Ok whatever bye.

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