Chapter 2

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"Thanks again Blane for getting her here. The guys listen to me but they need a true leader." Ty said. I roll my eyes.

"More like you guys like to pass her around like she's a piece of meat," Nick said. Ty stopped walking and looked at him.

"Our loyalty isn't sexually. We follow one. The reason we need a girl to lead us is that girls are wiser." He said. I placed my hand on his chest.

"Chill Ty he didn't mean it," I said. He looked at me.

"Whatever let's get this over with." He said. We walked into a big room that had a bun of chairs and a big white table. "Jax this is the meeting room," Ty said. 9 eyes landed on me and went silent. I took a step forward and looked at everyone. I felt nervous.

"She doesn't seem leader type." I heard. I looked at the guy who said it.

"Liam you-." Ty started. I held up my hand and walked around the white table.

"I admit that I don't really look like a leader. I probably don't know the first thing about it. But what I do know is that you're stuck with me whether you like it or not. I hate it when people doubt me. So let's not make the same mistake twice." I said. I looked up at them.

"So you're the new commander?" A male said. I looked at him. "Cool." He said. Blame looked at him. "She's hot." He said. Everyone nodded. I rolled my eyes.

"Hello, dear sister," Sara said walking into the room. I looked at her. "I see Blane got you to say yes." She said. I crossed my arms. She looked at Nick. "Hello, brother." She said.

"She shouldn't have to live your life. You should have realized when you first joined that there is no way out." Nick said. She glared at him.

"Your your mother wanted a divorce which meant I and my father are moving back to New York. I had a talk with my men and they agreed to follow Jax. Since these men all have families here in this state I'm not going to make them move with me." She said. Nick glared at her.

"You're 19. I'm sure you have a choice whether or not you want to move." Nick said.

"I did and I chose to leave. I have a way out and I'm taking it. I'm sorry your sister got stuck in the crossfire's but I'm sure Blane explained to you what will happen if this gang is no longer to exist?" She said. Nick looked at me. I looked down.

"Sara if you don't mind I need to talk to my gang," I said. She looks at me.

"You may be enjoying this now but I wonder what will happen if you can't do what is necessary?" She said. Liam stood up.

"You chose to leave. This is her gang now. If she asks you to leave then do as she says." He said. She looks at him.

"I'm leaving. Blane follow me out?" She said. Blane looks at her and nods.

Blane's P.O.V

I look at Jax before turning around and walk out. I follow Sara to her car. She gets in and I lean in her window. "I don't understand why you just didn't tell them," I said. She looked at me.

"Jax has taken everything from me. It's time she gets what she deserves." She said. I looked away.

"Sara, Jax is one of my best friends," I said. She laughs.

"I wonder if she knows who really put that wanted sign on her brother." She said. I looked at her. "Baby you need to realize what's real and what's fake." She said. I nod. "Am I still coming over on Friday?" She asked.

"No, actually my mom is in town," I said. She nods.

"See you later." She said. I nod and back up. She drives off and my phone rings.

"What?" I said.

"Boss I checked up on what Sara's business is in New York and get this. Sara's father flew back this morning for a meeting with The Colts. I think Sara is planning on running The Colts." Cam said. I looked at the road where Sara just drove into.

"Thanks," I said. I hung up the phone and turned around. Jax looked at me.

"Hey," I said. She smiled.

"Hey." She said. I pulled her waist to me. She giggled.

"Stop." She said. She lightly pushed on my chest.

"Come to my house tonight," I said. She looked up at me with her pricing blue eyes.

"I probably shouldn't." She said.

"Come on. I could your kind of distraction." I said. She smiled making her dimples show.

"Pick me up at 10." She said. I smiled. "You know if Nick saw us like this he may get pissed." She said.

"And I care why?" I asked.

"Because he has a way of making people disappear." She said. I kissed her cheek and let her go.

"Be careful with getting into to this gang shit. It's dangerous. I've got your back anytime but I want you to know that this kind of shit will change you." I said. She looked down.

"If it means I get to have Nick in my life I don't care." She said. I nodded. I looked behind her where Nick walked out. He glared at me. "I'm gonna get out of here. I gave Ty a phone for you. That phone is only for our kind of business. I'll pick you up at 10." I said. She smiled.

"Let me walk you to your car." She said. I walked to my car and got in. Nick stood on the porch staring at us.

"Man I was hoping for a goodbye kiss," I said. She giggled.

"We'll see about that tonight." She said. I wiggled my eyebrows. She slapped my arm.

"Stop that." She said. I gave her a grin.

"I'll see you tonight beautiful," I said. She nodded as she stepped back. I drove away.

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