chapter 2

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When you got up the next day you decided to go to Freddys at the daytime cuz why not? You still had 5 hours left until you will leave or take a nap for about 3 or 2 hours or so.

Timeskip by the one the only magnificent sans!

As soon as you entered  the pizzeria  you were hit with the smell of pizza...god this brings back memorys. You then looked around for Fritz if he was even there. You then spotted  purple guy and you gather enough courage to say hi. "U-umm hi there..purple guy." He looked at you confused and then said "uhh how do you know my name?" Then you said "remember I'm the girl that you met last night at the shift..y/n ring a bell?" You said sarcastically "ahhh yeah Fritz told us that oops sorry bout that heh." You then told him that it was ok and you guys started to chat. "So how long until you won't be working here for I know we just met but.." He then looked at you with glossy eyes "i..want to know." You felt your face heat up a bit but before you could answer Fritz came up to you guys and said "Y/N!!!!" He seemed so excited to see you again for some reson. "Uhhhh Fritz we saw each other yesterday." Then he said with the puppy dog eyes of his and whined " I know I just really missed you." You then heard purple guy growled angrily at Fritz and then he mutters something to his self. "Well how about we all eat some pizza together huh?" They both said yes and you got a cheese pizza and cheese bread. As soon as you guys were done you looked at the time on your phone. "Shit! Sorry guy but I have to leavesee ya tonight!" They both waved at you but when you walked out you felt someone staring at you and then you knew it was purple guy starring at you because Fritz wouldn't do that then as soon as you went to you car you went home and then went to bed...

End of the 2 chapter =)

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