Hi my name is kim and i'm on a plan to hawaii 'AHHHHHHHH'.The ingens are faleing the doors ript of we are about to hit a rock . I yelled we have to jump there all screming I unbuculd ,and jump't out of the plane. I landid in frunt a small iland . I started to swim to it when I got there I yelld
But no respons there where some trees. I went and sat,there are some cocanut's ,and I took the cocanut's ,and spelt HELP .I sat there for couple hours ,but no one came so I made shelter for the night . but what I did not no that there are monsters here,MAN EATING CATS not tigers cats like kittens cats . Luckily none of the MAN EATing CATS did not COME .But there aren't just monstes here,there are fariys and mermaids ,but they don't no that I'm here . I am going to see the fairys so I walk over ,and said.
The fairy said"Oh hello who are you?"
"I'm kim I plan crashed."
"I'm sorry to here that."
"Yes me to, now I'm stuck here."
"But here theres always a party."
"What about the monsters
"They don't like the light."
"Okay can I stay here?"
"But of corse mhmhmhmhhmhhm."
"Are you ok?"
"I'm fine come with me."
"I went to a beautiful room."
The fairy said."My name is lilly...enjoy."
"Okay I will good bye." ,and the fairy left .
[ the next morning ]
I was walking ,and saw treasure,gold,diamods,and rubys.The fairy queen came to me and said
"Welcome to fairy land."
I said "Wow."
"Now we kill you."
"Do whaaaaaaat."
"Now that you have seen this we must kill you ahahhahahahhaa."
"No no NO!!!!!!!"
"Yes,fairys take this girl ,and hang her with the rest ahahaahaahaahahahaahah."
[two days later ]
I am in a jail sell,then a boy fairy came
"Hey do you want to leave this place?"
"Yes yes please get me out of here."
"Okay a guard walks by you distract him ,and I well get the key."
"Okay go hes comeing be carfull." The boy ran behind a stach-you .And then the guard came and I said
"Hey you man stop I'm hunger.", Then the boy took the key .The gard left the door unlocked ,and shode me the way out he took me to the beach ,and gave me a diamond ,and a light kiss on the cheeck and I said
"Thank you what is your name?"
"My name is Ronon."
"Thats dreamy good bye."
"Good bye." Then he flew away and a helacopter saw me and I was so happy,but they never left me boerd.