Ch. 6- Explanations

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I looked around, and FINALLY realized what was happening...

I bust out laughing.

I was on the verge of hysterical tears when I noticed that everyone was staring at me.

Taking a few deep breaths, my obnoxious cackling came to a stop and I smiled.

"I TOTALLY get what's going on here, I don't know why I didn't realize it in the first place."

Walking more into the room I looked around expectantly.


Laughing I waved at the "Queen".

Giving her a obvious drawn out wink, letting her know I knew what was going on.

"You guys are way to clever, like, honestly this was seriously unexpected. "

Scotty raised a brow, giving me a obnoxious smile.

"Selena, your not on a reality show. This is all real."

Laughing I pointed at him. "Your an actor."

I then pointed at the rest of the people at the table, "And their all actors too."

I gave a triumphant smile. "Erma RIGHTTT?"

The "Queen" was giving me a troubled look.

"Darling... this is all real. I wish I could say it wasn't."

I frowned at her. Looking around more I noticed that no one was coming out of any corners, not Maci, not Damien.

My frown deepened even more when I noticed that no one was cracking a smile, everyone had a complete straight face.

Looking back behind me I saw Kyle and Edward, standing there.

Kyle had a sympathetic frown while Edwards face held no emotion whatsoever.

Gulping I finally turned my head towards Scotty.

He sat there. His lips in a grim line.

I finally realized, this... Was no joke.

My deep frown turned into a ferocious angry glare at the people in front of me.

"Then what is this?!?! If it isn't some kind of sick fucking joke what the hell IS THIS?" Panting out angry breaths I darted my eyes around the room, looking for someone to answer me.

The queen gave me a weak smile.

"Selena please, sit down." Her smooth velvety voice was calming and her sincere face had me walking slowly over towards the only empty seat at the table.

I slowly sat in the seat, like it was some animal about to swallow me whole. Gripping the arm rest I took a deep breath.

"Explain." I managed to get out through all my racing thoughts.


The queen cleared her throat, clearly a bit uncomfortable.

" Well, let me introduce you to everyone shall I?" She stood up and gracefully waved her hand toward the six men at the table.

"This is my council, they help me decide laws, and other things that concern the well being of my people."

I nodded, already figuring that out.

She next waved her hand toward Kyle and Edward.

" This is Kyle and Edward Jenkins. They are my... Helpers I guess you could call them."

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