Error x Ink:welcome to the world(part1)

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(The charades on the picture are made by me! so do not use them without permission from me.Error,Ink and Pj are not mine)

Error's POV

Inks was in pain and we where having twins.The doctors tried to keep me out the room but I went mad and used a threatening voice.It was after about an hour when our first child came into this world.I held him and he was so amazing.I held him and held Inks hand.A few hours later Our other child was born.I could see she had the same bone colour as mine.Ink is panting heavily and I still held her hand."Good job sweetie"I say and she looks at the skeleton that was first born.He had a chalk patch on his cheek and pale bone colour like Ink.We couldn't hear our youngest baby crying then doctors started rushing into the room and I looked over at them.I was shocked to see them trying to put an oxygen mask over our youngest child's mouth(cause logic)Ink had started panicking "Is my baby ok"!?Ink tried to look at her."Sweetie claim down please.They are trying."I said and lied Ink back down.We heard our youngest child started to slightly cry.I could then tell Ink relaxed.Ink looked at the bundle in my hands and I handed him to Ink."What should we name him Ink"?I ask.Ink looked at our child and said "Chalk because of his chalk patch on his cheek"Ink says."Its a perfect name for our child"I reply and hug Ink.A doctor came in and asked me"Could I talk to you outside"?I nod and follow him.I looked at Ink and Chalk peacefully together and I left the room."Is my baby girl ok"? I ask."The doctor looks at the clip board."She will be alright but do expect alot of things coming her way for the future"He says."What type of things"? I ask."When she grows she will have a breathing difficulty"He says.I nod"Is their a way to help with this"?I ask."Yes but it could be hard to get baby's to swallow the medicine.Even though the medicine is a liquid they dislike the taste and try to spit it out"The doctor says giving the Info I needed.I went back into the room and told Ink what will be happening then Ink cried into my shoulder.A nurse came in with a little crib to put our child in When we gave Chalk to the nurse she made sure he was healthy and he was.The nurse put him in the nursery which was only down the hallway.Ink fell asleep and I sat next to her and fell asleep in the chair.

-Next morning-

I awoke to Ink awake and seeing Ink eating something that the nurse gave her.I smile at my beautiful Inky and sit up in the chair that I slept in.Ink hugged me with her weak arms."morning sweetie" Ink says."Morning my inky,sleep well"?I ask and she nods."Could we see Chalk and could you ask if we could see 500"? Ink asks. "500"? "I thought it would be a good name for her"Ink says.I nod and go outside to find a doctor.I found one and asked "Excuse me could my wife visit her 2 babies"?I ask.He looks at me and says"Yes but with her 2nd baby she would have to go to a different room"The doctor says and I nod.I go to Inky and tell her what the doctor said and the doctor gave Ink a wheelchair and I wheeled it to the nursery where chalk stayed until Ink and my two new children are ready to leave the hospital.We entered the nursery and Ink looked happy to see her baby when I wheeled her over to our child.He was cooing at me and Ink.Ink let Chalk hold his finger and me and Ink ended up being their for a whole half an hour.Ink and me then left to where our baby 500 was being helped.Ink seemed upset and I wheeled Ink over to where 500 laid in the incubator.I could see had tears coming down her face and I hugged her.I hear her chocked sobs and I rub circles in her back to sooth her.Ink stopped crying and I wiped her tears away and asked "You ok ink"?Ink nods.Ink and me look at 500 and seeing her like a tube in her mouth made a tear fall down my check.Me and Ink look at each other and we shared worried looks.I look over to see 500 waking up.Ink has tears in her eyes again and puts her hand on the incubator and 500 cried probably scared.I got a doctor and he said for Ink to get some rest while he checked over 500.

-At the room-

I helped Ink into her Hospital bed and made sure she was cozy.I kiss Inks cheek and sit on the chair next to Inks bed."you alright Inky"?I ask and she nods and falls asleep.I hold Inks hand and say"Sleep well Inky"I then rest on the chair and fall asleep.


I wake up to see Ink still sleeping. I left the room to get a drink of water and the doctor walked over to me."Hello Mr Error,How are you"?He asked."I am fine thank you.How is my daughter"?I ask."She is doing better than she was before.We also found out what caused this problem with her"The doctor says and I wait for him to continue"She has the same condition as you,Pixelexion-syndrome. but it is a bit more worse as we discovered.She will be ok with life but she will need to be careful since she will be more effected by the Pixelexion-syndrome"I nod and try to stay claim and I say "thank you" I then walk to Inks room.Ink was awake and seemed happy to see me.I hugged Ink and smiled at her and she gave a smile back."Inky the doctor talked to me and she just has a bad case of Pixelexion-syndrome"I say to Ink.Ink says"I am glad its nothing more serious than that.I know its bad but she can get though it right"?Ink says the last part in a questionable tone."She should be fine Ink"I say sitting down in the chair next to Ink's Hospital bed.After about 2 and a half hours later the doctor comes in and tells us that Ink,Chalk and 500 are ready to leave the hospital.We left the hospital with Ink in a wheelchair holding our two bundles of joy.I help Ink into the car and make sure I am careful of our new children.


When we arrived home I opened the door and wheel Ink in the house to see Blue and Dream looking at the bundles in Inks hands.Pj and Gradient walk over to where Ink was and tired to look at them but both was too small.I sat Ink on the sofa and Pj,Gradient,Blue and Dream looked at Chalk and 500."Pj and Gradient these are your new brother and sister and your brother's name is Chalk and your sisters is 500"Ink says.I am happy that 500 and Chalk are turning out and I hope life will be perfect.


*took a while but i finished it! hope you like this part! see you guys in the next part. while you wait you can check out my other story's i am working on. Rainbow out!-

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2018 ⏰

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