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❝then you come through like the sweetener you are to bring the bitter taste to a halt

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then you come through like the
sweetener you are to bring the
bitter taste to a halt.


✎... first of all, jihyun is a soft princess who needs protecting and if y'all hoes hurt my character i will literally kill you

✎... also join the panda society, we're all pandas lmao- anyways moving onto the actually dating parts

✎... she's soft around you it's unbelievable

✎... constant kisses and pda it's almost uncontrollable, her arm would always be around your shoulders

✎... she would even give the most random back hugs while snuggling into your back and it's honestly the cutest thing ever

✎... so much pda that other people hate you because they are constantly the 3rd wheel

✎... plus she's the clumsiest princess around you. like she'll just be randomly walking and suddenly fall and you'd have to save her djsjmmwmwmw

✎... you're convinced she does it on purpose just because it happens so often

✎... always leaving you little drawings and notes when you leave off to work or when she goes somewhere reminding you to do stuff and just little funny things

✎... she even wrote one about a vine that she saw the other day that was so funny

✎... you'd roll your eyes because she's so extra and it's just funny

✎... her constant appreciation for your lips and you honestly, like this girl will never stop complimenting you

✎... even though when you turn around and try to compliment her she gets incredibly shy and it makes you uwu

✎... a shy baby when complimented and i mean this literally. she'll just curl into you with the biggest "aww" and blush her head off.

✎... staying up late with her just talking about random things because she loves late night conversations.

✎... probably playing the guitar for you since she can in fact play it

✎... singing a song to you maybe and warning you that it might sound horrible but it actually sounds alright and her voice is light yet pretty

✎... rarely having arguments aside from the typical disagreement

✎... when you have an argument it's actually terrible and ends up with both of you screaming and jihyun crying because she can't take intense emotions

✎... you always end up back together in your arms anyway at the end of the night, even if she was wrong she would still end up tricking you back with her anyway so lol

✎... giving the best massages, you'd be in heaven

✎... she's such a goddamn tease i don't know if you realize this

✎... jihyun will have just tease you endlessly, you'll be panting with sweat coated on your forehead and everything else before she even goes down on you like jcjsnsns

✎... and most of the time she won't even do so, just leaving the room with a grin

✎... neck-related things will drive her wild y'all just telling you this now

✎... can be a switch but is very very very very submissive to someone who can make her go soft

✎... always wanting to do things with you and talking about you constantly to everyone, it's just a recurring theme

✎... writing weird songs about you and writing love letters about you in the notes in her phone

✎... she'd be the happiest bub alive

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