Chapter 2

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~Five days later~
The burning started to subside. I felt it leaving my arms and legs. Slowly the fire left all on my body and started attacking my heart. My heart beat quickened it felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. Then it stopped the fire and my heart. I opened my eyes and gasped I could see every speck of dust floating in the air, I could see a eight color rainbow the eighth color had no name. I felt something staring at me. I sat up and looked at the person who was staring. It was Victoria. "You're very controlled for a newborn." I looked her in the eyes and suddenly I disconnected in that second snip snip snip and floated up into space. I was not left drifting.A new string held me where I was. Not one string but a million. Not strings but steel cables. The gravity of the earth no longer tied me to the place where I stood. It was Victoria. I would do anything be anything for her. A lover, a protector, a sister, and a friend. "Hello Victoria." My voice sounded different like bells. "Hello Isabella." Her voice sounded different than I imagined. A more pretty high soprano voice and not the feline more gruff voice I had in my head. "Where am I?" the bell like voice asked. "You're in my house." Victoria walked over and sat next to me. "Why?" "Because I wanted to thank you. James wasn't my mate he was using me for my power. You set me free from his grasp and for that I'm thankful." "Am I a vampire?" I asked. "Yes you were dying from hypothermia in the woods. I don't know why you were naked though?" I look down to see that I am fully clothed. "Thanks for dressing me." "It was no problem. If you don't mind me asking why were you in the woods anyway." I started to shake remembering why I was in the woods, Edward. I felt my bones breaking and I heard cloth ripping. Victoria jumped back with wide eyes. I felt myself grow bigger. Victoria looked like she had just seen a ghost she looked like she wanted to run but she was frozen waiting for me to attack.
"I won't hurt you Victoria." I said through the mating bond hoping she could here me.
"How can I hear you but your not really talking?" She asked confused. "That would be the mating bond. It connects a wolf to it's imprint so they can talk to each other in both forms." I inform her. "How are you a wolf and a vampire?" "I guess I'm a hybrid. Other wolves will die if you inject them with your venom. I wonder if it has anything to do with me smelling normal, healing at a normal rate. Being a normal body temperature, and aging at a normal rate." I say to her. "Interesting." Victoria walks forward and puts her and in my fur. I lick her face and she jumps back surprised. "Ew Bella that's really gross." I start laughing and she starts to pout. "Awe Vicky don't pout. I was just giving you kisses." She snorts and rolls her eyes. I shift back into my human form and walk up to Victoria. "You know you look really cute when you pout." She looks up and gasps. "Your eyes, there blue."  "Really?" I ask.  She walks out of the room and brings back a body length mirror. I look into the mirror and see a beautiful woman. She had long legs and curves in all the right places. She was pale with no imperfections. You could see that she had toned muscles that screamed Don't fuck with me. I looked at my hair and it was a dark brown that filled out more. And finally I looked into the eyes. They were a pierced blue with brown around the pupil. "Is that me?" I ask Victoria. She nods and smiles. "Damn I look hot." Victoria starts to giggle and I smile. "You sure are. Shit did I say that out loud?" If Victoria could blush I bet she would be. "Awe Vicky you think I'm hot?" I question. "Yes, yes I do." She puts the mirror down. I walk over to her swaying my hips fully aware I was still naked. I grab her and pull her close to me. She leans in and I kiss her. I graze my tongue on her bottom lip asking for entrance. She happily grants it. Our tongues started fighting for dominance which I won. We break apart panting for unneeded breath.  "Wow!" Victoria says heavily. "Wow indeed." I replied. "Let's get you dressed so you can hunt." Just as she said that my throat started to burn.  "Humans or animals?" I noticed her eyes were golden. "Animals if you don't mind." She says sounding shy. "I don't mind whatever you want to hunt."  I tell her. She walks out of the room and comes back with clothes. "Can I hunt in my wolf form?" I ask her. "I guess. I want to see your top speed anyway." She tells me excitedly. We walk out her front door and I notice it's sunny. I look at my body and I wasn't glimmering like Victoria was. I was glowing. "Wow you look beautiful." I heard Victoria say next to me. I transform into my wolf and look down. Even in my wolf form I glowed. "I'll race you." I told Victoria through the mating bond. "Sure." Victoria replied. I took off running and I noticed I was much faster than I used to be. I looked over my shoulder and noticed Victoria falling behind. I laughed and started going faster. I got into a clearing and laid down waiting for Victoria to catch up. Then I heard a scream. "Bella help." I heard I voice in my head that sounded like Victoria going through the mating bond . I started running back towards Victoria and I break through a little clearing to see Victoria surrounded by the wolves. I run towards them snarling. The wolves look at me and there eyes go wide. I stand in front of Victoria in a protective crouch and snarled. Sam walked forward and shifted into his human form and put on the shorts he had tied to his leg. "Who are you and why are you protecting this leech." I snarl at him. He hurt my mate and I wasn't going to take any shit. I shove him backwards with my head and he flies backwards transforming into his wolf. I was much bigger than him by a lot. He charged towards me but I wasn't having that. " Stop it Sam. Stand down." The alpha voice was running through the pack bond. Sam's leg buckle under the weight of my alpha's voice. "Who are you?" I heard Jacob ask through the pack bond. I turn towards Jacob who was a little bit bigger than Sam but no where near as big as me. "I am your sister Jacob me and you are the rightful alphas of this pack but i give up my place so you can." I told him. "Wow I have a sister what's your name." Jacob asks. "My name is Isabella Swan. The daughter of Billy Black. The granddaughter of Ephraim Black."  "Bella? We thought you were dead Charlie is worried sick about you we must get you back to him." Sam said in a rushed voice. " I will not be going back to Charlie."
" Why not Bella?" Jacob asks me. "Because I could kill him." I heard Victoria whimper behind me. I turn around and look at the damage. She has a long claw marks down mer face and body. I lay down next to her and whimper. I start licking her wounds. "Vicky are you okay." I ask through the mating bond. "It's just a few scratches they'll heal." She replies. The wolves are looking at me like I'm crazy. One of them steps forward. It was a grey wolf and looked pretty small. "What are you doing?" The wolf asks who sounded like a female asked. "I'm licking my mates wounds what does it look like."  "She's your mate!" All of the wolves say together. I get up and stand in front of her again. "Yes she is and you all hurt her." I say as I snarl. Sam steps forward in a submitting way. "We are all truly sorry that we hurt your mate.We did not know." "It's not me you should be apologizing to it should be Victoria." They all nod there heads and run to the trees they all come back in there human forms. "We are truly sorry for attacking you we didn't know you were Bella's mate." Sam says to Victoria and all of the others nod in agreement. "Your okay I would've attacked to if there was a strange vampire on my lands." Victoria told them. "Thank you." Sam says and bows his head. "Will you come back to the pack house with us?"  I nod my head and turn to Victoria. "Can you stand." I ask her. She shakes her head. I walk over to her and lay down. "Get on." I tell her. She drags herself up and gets on my back. "Hold on tight."  I feel her grip my fur. The wolves run back to the trees and come back in their wolf forms. "Lead the way." I tell them. They nod and start running. They all run super slow all I have to do is trot to keep up. "You guys are so slow." I told them. They stop and look at me. "That's our top speed well except for Leah she is the fastest wolf we have." I snorted at Sam's remark. "Did you just come from the pack house?" I ask them. They nod. "Is it okay if me and Leah race back to the pack house?" I ask Sam. He nods. Leah trots up next to me smiles, and then winks. She takes off running and I watch her run. She's fast but not as fast as me. "What are you doing?" Jacob asks. "Giving her a head start." I tell him. "I'm going to be racing Leah so you need to hold on okay?" I ask/tell Victoria. Her hand grips tighter on my fur. I take off running at my top speed and easily pass Leah. I follow there scent back to the house and lay down. Victoria lets go of my fur and gets down. She stands up and I look her over. Her claw marks were healed but you could still see them. I shift back to my human form and grabbed the clothes out of the backpack I had Victoria carry. I put them on and kissed Victoria. "I'm sorry I wasn't closer to you Vicky." I apologized. "It's fine you couldn't of known the wolves were nearby. How are you still handling your thirst." She asks. "It's still manageable." I tell her. "We still have plenty of time though let's go hunt." I told her. She nods and takes of running. I follow behind watching because I had no idea how to hunt. She tackles a deer and bites into it. I let my instincts take over and tackle a deer. I bite into it still on my wolf form. I drain it and then I start to eat it. When the deer is done I look up and see Victoria looking up at me with lust in her eyes. I transform back into my human form and tackle Victoria. We didn't get back to the pack house till a while after our hunt.

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