part 4

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Time skip to end of the day

Irina p.o.v

Where is angel is ditching I don't think so but what if those spirits are after her that why she left damn it “ hey vitch sensei her angels back bag” nagisa give me her back bag “ do you now where is she” I asked him he just shook his head and went I will go know their no hop in finding her anyways “ VITCH SENSEI …. Came we find angel chan” isoga shout .

Karma p.o.v

Will it's was a boring day in class like always until I sow angel she was go back and she the tree fear in her eyes when I looked to see a wired black spirit I run too hear and gripped her quickly out of  there “ are you okay angel chan” I asked she just nodded “ karma why do you help her you know why you're here so help us instead” they asked me to help hell no I won't help them hurt her “ ya I now but I won't let anyone hurt any of my friends” I answered him then i found angel standing up and she had katana made by ice “ angel no you know it's gonna be worst if you hurt any of this spirits” vitch  sensei came running and stopping angel with few of the other “ no I won't if I did not stop them then who will” angel said “ angel chan calm down know it's won't help if you start screaming at us~” I said she was holding her katana in a cross ship “ okay this time…”before she counting she attacked something behind me I looked and see one of those spirits “ know know I'm letting you go but next time you won't” the evil spirit said vanishing angel fell on her knees  “ hey angel chan you okay and what did you attack” asked kayona “ yes I'm okay it's not important I'm not coming to class next few days” angel said as she walked away leaving us with a gloomy aura just like yesterday .

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