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"Everyone wants to escape sometimes." - Author Unknown 


We both look behind us to see one of the nurses talking to someone else.

We stroll on outside and get to the parking lot.

"My mom and dad dropped my car off here so I can just drive myself back." Iris says as she gets off of me. She starts to walk towards a 2018 Black Volkswagen Jetta.

"Wouldn't they want to drive you back since you got injured?"

"No my parents aren't the super loving and affectionate kind. They think a girl should sit still and look pretty when I can't sit still for more than 10 seconds. They love my twin sister more since she's so girly and love to do girl things."


"Yea really and don't get me started on my brothers."

"How many brothers do you have?"

She stopped in her tracks and turned around all mad, "FIVE! Five fucking brothers who are all shit heads and can get anyone they want who are always 'mommy and daddy's favorites' and they don't let me forget that I'm the disappointment of the family and I always have to try and prove my self around them when NOTHINGS WORKING!"

At this point she breaks down crying. I so badly wish I could just stand up this once, just once, and hold her tightly.

I grab her hand and pull her into a hug before I could even recognize what I just did.

She wraps her arms around my neck and sits back down in my lap. I have my arms wrapped around her waist. This is the most comfortable I have ever been.

"Thank you." Iris sniffles.

She got in the car while I made my way over to the other side of the car. She handed me her crutches and I used my upper body strength to push me in the car. I handed her back the crutches and she got out and put my wheelchair in the back of the car. When she got back in, she threw her crutches in the back.

"You might wanna put your seatbelt on. I drive fast." I gave her a worried look and put my seatbelt on.

She backed out and made her way out of the parking lot. 'Well this might be okay. Her driving isn't that bad.' I should have knocked on wood. Once she got out of the parking lot, she bolted on the highway. I grabbed the 'oh shit' handle (the handle above the door). At least that's what I have always called it.

It probably has another name, but that's what's its known for. In my book at least.

Once she got to a reasonable speed, I let go of the handle.

"Where are we going?" I finally asked.

"It's a surprise." She smirks. Great this girl who I've known for a complete hour, is kidnapping me.

We drive in a comfortable silence for about fifteen more minutes, when we pull up to a fast food restaurant.

"Popeyes?" Great bows she's taking me to a slaughterhouse. Whelp it was nice knowing everyone. I had a, somewhat, good life.

"Yea have you never heard of it?" I shake my head.

"Boi! You need to get a life! This place has the best chicken in the world!"

She reaches back to grab her crutches and gets out. We do the whole process backwards than what we did getting in the car.

We make our way in and go up to the counter.

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