~Day 2 || Coliel || Season 2~

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Cole's POV
Me and the guys are waiting for our turn to come in the dance/sing competition. I am so nervous. Before me and my dad fought, he told me that he invited a childhood friend of mine. Seliel Dawn was my best friend since I was little, but I haven't seen her from before Dad send in Marty Openhimer's Music School. I missed her so much, but I assumed that she just found a new best friend and forgot about me. I haven't seen her in some years, after all. Five, to be exact.

I heard our group name to be called and looked at the guys."Let's do it."I told them and the three nodded.

We all put our masks on and went to the stage. I looked around the room and suddenly spotted the pink hair. The pink hair that I missed so much.

I smiled under the mask and the music started.


Cole's POV
"Son!"I heard and turned around. I saw my dad coming towards us and wrapping me in a hug.

"Dad, I am sorry."I told him. We started talking and he said that he was proud of me.

The Serpentines came and started attacking us. I heard them pushing something from above, but I was too busy fighting off another Serpentine.

"Cole! Watch out!"I heard Kai's voice said. I looked up and then suddenly someone wrapped their arms around me. I closed my eyes ready for the impact, but nothing came. I didn't move at all, but felt the hands remove from me. I opened my eyes and saw that I was moved and heard the box coming in contact with the ground. I looked at the person who wrapped their arms around me to see the pink hair.

"Seliel..."I breathed out. She smiled at me, but then her eyes went wide and pointed behind me. I saw things falling towards my father.

"Dad!"I yelled and ran to him.

Seliel's POV
Cole ran after his dad. He pushed Lou on the ground and everything fell on top of them.

"COLE!"I yelled and ran to towards them. Suddenly, something inside started glowing. Someone held me back. I looked at the person and saw the guy with the blue clothes.

"Don't go there."he said, shaking his head. I listened and stayed put.

Suddenly, Cole lifted all the things from him and his dad, while he was glowing.

"What's going on? Why is Cole glowing!?"I asked.

"He found his true potential."The guy with the blue clothes said. I stared at Cole as he saved his dad. The two came down and Cole looked at me, then started glowing and almost passed out. The guys in red and blue caught him.

"Ugh...What happened?"Cole asked, holding his head.

"You found your true potential."the guy in red said. As Cole regained his balance, I ran to him and wrapped my arms around his body. He has grown up a lot. And he's handsome.

As Cole wrapped his arms around me too, I said quietly so only he can hear me."Don't you even try to scare my like that ever again."

Cole tightened his arms around me and mumbled."Never."

I guess the guys and his dad sensed that we need privacy, because they walked away. 
Me and Cole pulled away from the hug just enough to see each other's faces.

"I missed you."I told him.

"I missed you too. Didn't know you would remember me, though."he said, chuckling.

"I didn't think you would remember me either."I answered and he wrapped me in a hug again.

"Never again am I letting you, I promise."he said, kissing my forehead. I hope he keeps that promise.

Word count-632
Aaaaaaaand day two is done! I know it's a little weird and it didn't end with romance as usual, but I think it's kinda cute. Hope you liked it!
P.S. Sorry it's so short.

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