Oofers McGoofers

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Adam was dead. He knew he was dead and could feel nothing nut dead. Here he was, in some fucking bullshit landscape being all dead and stuff. He didn't know if his dumb ex made it back or whatever but he assumed right. There was alotta of other dead people in this deadscape. They felt dead too. Adam was just chillin, killin passing the time he had until he saw a familiar head. He walked up to the extremely buff and tone man.

Adam: Yo,,,, Takashi?
Shiro: Adam! Oh my god Hi. WAIT YOU DIED WTF
Adam: whoa whoa whoa, You're dead too? I TOLD YOU NOT TO LEAVE

Shiro: I mean kinda
Adam: wtf does that EVEN MEAN
Shiro: my subconscious was split in 2 so half of me is here being dead and the other half is walking around on earth in my evil clones body
Adam: thats fucked up
Shiro: yeah pretty much
Adam: so if i was still alive i would be fucking a clone right now?
Adam: I need romance for the plot of this shit
Shiro: fair enough.

And they liv-died happily ever after

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