Volterra Castle

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(The Volturi will be involved from now on. The story will now be mostly in the twilight world.) 

Volturi castle one year ago~ 

The kings sat on their thrones. Caius tapped his fingers on his throne, in a bored manor. They had just returned home after the indecent. Aro looked at Marcus in anticipation.  "Marcus who's mates were they?" Aro asked. Marcus looked around to see if anyone was around before he spoke. "Our main guards. Two of them." Marcus said lowly. "You said there were three mates. What about the other one?" Caius asked. Marcus looked up to him slowly giving him a nod. Caius looked  surprised "Are you sure." Caius said. Marcus nodded again. "You know which one." He said. "The curious part is that the women seemed to appear and disappear into thin air." Aro said. "They are human though." Marcus said. Caius stood up annoyed. "That doesn't matter, what matters is that they got away. How are we supposed to find them?" Caius asked.

Aro also stood up. "Hopefully Demetri picked up their scents, or at least his mate's. We'll send the guard out to search." Aro said as he walked out of the throne room. Marcus looked back at Caius. "I haven't been this anticipated since Dora." Caius said, looking away so Marcus wouldn't see his face. "I'm sure we'll find them." Marcus said.

A year later~

"This is ridiculous. Demetri how could you not find them by now.You're supposed to be a tracker. You're good, but you're not irreplaceable." Caius threatened. "With all do respect master, one of the girls was my mate. I am trying my best to find them, but I can't pick up their scent." Demetri said. "It's been a year. How can a tracker not pick up a scent of his own mate?" Caius said. "Peace brother." Marcus said. "How can you expect me to be calm about this brother. It's been a year since I've been without my mate. You of all people should know what happens when you've been without your mate for a long time!" Caius hissed.

with the witches~

The five witches apparated away from the wedding.  The uncomfortable  sensation lasted only for a second until they met with their destination.

Before Aro could reprimand Caius for his harsh, inconsiderate words, the five witches appeared in their throne room.

 The five fell on the stone floors with a thud. They moaned in pain as they got up and looked at their surroundings. 

The walls were made of stone and there was no natural light in the room, and only candles gave the room light.(It's night time) "Where are we?" Juniper asked. Eleanora looked at the writings caved into the walls in a foreign language. "We're in Italy." 

"Well how in Merlin did we get here?" Juniper asked. Serafine, knowing the answer looked in Vinnie's direction the other three following her line of vision. "You." Cordelia growled walking up to Vinnie. "You brought us here. Wherever here is." Cordelia said with anger. "Although this place does look familiar, I've never been here before. Please don't hex me" Vinnie said looking terrified. "Where is here anyways?" Serafine asked.

Aro took this moment to get off his throne and speak to the group. He stood on dais still in the shadows, when he smelled the most amazing scent. "You're in the Volterra castle my dear." 

The witches all turned their heads towards his voice. "Who's there?" Cordelia asked gleaming at the shadowed area to look for the figure. At the sound of her voice Caius walked up to his brother. "What's your name?" Caius asked. "Why should I tell you that?" Cordelia snarled holding up her wand. Serafine grabbed Cordelia's arm, whispering to her, "Stop they could be muggles." 

"What is a muggle?" Aro asked intrigued. "They are muggles." Serafine whispered.  This made the witches nervous. They have never made much contact with muggles before. "nothing to concern about." She replied. The three kings walked forward, their silhouettes could only be seen. "We mean you no harm. We are just curious as to why you're in our home." Marcus asked. 

Vinnie looked up at the figure questioningly. "Wait I thought you said we were in Volterra castle. This castle has been uninhabited for hundreds of years..." Vinnie said now understanding the situation. The three figures stepped out of the shadows. Their features could be fully seen. The girls took in their pale, flawless skin, and big, crimson eyes. "They're.." Serafine said. "Vampires." All three mistresses let out. As soon as they said that, a young pair of twin vampires opened the door from the throne room and looked directly at the women. When they saw that the others left the dais and were getting closer they all screamed and ran out of the throne room. 

(Sorry this chapter is short

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(Sorry this chapter is short. I wanted to break up this part because this scene is very long.)

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