Chapter One

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Before we begin....

This book idea was a collab with the one... the only.... the amazing...

Super_jackiechan45 !


It happened thousands and thousands of years ago. There was a man who was dearly in love with his wife. So much that he would do anything for her... And she loved him just the same.

They live together happily for many, many years. But then one day, his wife fell deathly ill... The man was heartbroken. He couldn't live without his love. So, out of desperation, he made a pact with a demon during a blood moon.

The pact would allow his wife to come back from the dead. However, the pact required the sacrifice of a living creature. To which, the man chose a wolf. The God of Wolves found out. Furious, the wolf god cursed the man to forever walk on Earth as not a human, but a monster - part man, part wolf.

When he returned to his village he was sworned. People rejected the beast he had become. He was banished to the depths of the woods where he would stay for years.

The man grew lonely and wondered back to the village. It was there he realized his curse was not that he was a hideous monster. But, that he was cursed to turn other humans into half human, half wolves.

Driven by his loneliness, He transformed the entire village into werewolves. This was the first pack of werewolves ever to roam the Earth, and he was their leader. A monster driven mad by his loneliness. The other werewolves feared him and his power and that was the story of the first werewolf. They call his bloodline the Ultima.

The Ultima and his pact rummage through Phoenix Drop with their pointy teeth and savage ways so their Alpha could take the crown. The Ultima threatens to burn down the entire kingdom if King Victor didn't give up his throne to the Alpha

With no choice, King Victor surrendered to the Ultima Werewolf. The kingdom feared him as he ruled the kingdom with an Iron fist. His wife was by his side, because she knew the soft side of him... and she wasn't letting go.

Now here's where our favorite Ultima's sorry takes place....

King Derrick, Queen Rachel and Princess Melissa of Phoenix have been blessed with a baby boy who was soon named Aaron Edward Lycan. The boy grew up with his sister. He was living a wonderful life. Helping out the butlers, watering the plants along with the gardeners. One day, Rachel told Aaron a story about true love.

"One day, you'll find true love."

"Ewww, no! Girls are gross!"

"You'll think differently when you're older. Promise me, when you rule this kingdom, that you'll find that special girl who steals your heart." Rachel places her hand out Aaron's heart.

"I promise."

Days later, Derek died of a deadly illness. Derek's funeral was a sad day for the castle. Those days, Rachel grew into a depression. She swore she hated everyone... even her own flesh and blood. Aaron was only nine at the time.

Ten years later, Rachel did the unthinkable. One faithful morning, Aaron opens the door to her room and sees his mother out the floor holding a knife covered in blood. Aaron felt a pain he hasn't felt in ten years.

Two years later, Melissa married King Frederic and left Aaron alone in the kingdom. Each day, he became more and more cold to the blisters who raised him, the gardeners who taught him how to grow roses. He was.... truly and Ultima.

Now let's see another story....

Four years after Aaron's birth, a girl was born. Aphmau Camilla Everton. The Village gathered around to greet the new born into the world.

Years pass, Aphmau's five years old and her mother passed away from an illness. The same one as King Derrick. Her father, Zack, was a different person without his wife around. Aphmau was harrassed, punished. It was a living hell.

Eleven years old comes around and, no doubt, she was a beautiful girl. She was odd to the others. She was adventurous. Loving the outdoors. She wasn't as determined as the other girls wanting to get marry and become a housewife. That led to some bullying from the village. Like her father wasn't enough.

Sixteen rolls around, she becomes known as a heartbreaker. She was in a relationship with Garroth Ro'Maeve, a boy every girl adored, but soon realized Garroth wanted her to be like every other girl. So she broke it off. Laurence tries to seize the opportunity to claim Aphmau's heart, but miserably failed.

You know what happens next.... The bullying adds on.

So here's present day, Aphmau's eighteenth birthday has come and passed. She was still- no doubt- a beautiful girl who wanted more out of life.



"A witch!"

Aphmau's learned to ignore the taunts of the men and women who lived near her. "I'm home, Papá." Aphmau's voice echoes through the house. Zack comes back the stairs. "Did you get the newspaper?" Zack asks and Aphmau nods, meaning she did what she was told to do.

"The eggs from the market?"

"Yes papá."

"Freshly squeezed milk?"

"The freshest on the market.


"I got the fruit, vegetables, and I put up signs for your blacksmith work." Aphmau finishes her Father's sentences.

"You're free to go." Zack stated. A smile tugs onto Aphmau's face as she races up the stairs to her room. She closes the door and hears the cries of the village folk.



"A witch!

Aphmau sighs as she closes her curtains. She flops onto her bed. "Why can't they try and understand that I'm not giving up my life to wash the dishes, cleaning the floors, nurse six children, and more?" Aphmau places her head in between her legs and sighs.


"Blaze!" The Ultima yells for the King's assistant. "Yes, your majesty?" Blaze bows down.

"As you know, this kingdom is in need of a Queen. Am I correct?" Aaron takes a single rose off a Bush. "You are correct, sir." Blaze responds.

"So I want to throw a ball. I want to do what my father did to find true love." Aaron states.

"I want every young, unmarried woman in the kingdom to attend this ball. Their lives may depend on it." Aaron holds the rose directly in front of his face. "Yes sir. I'll rallying every newspaper printer to make this the headline as soon as possible." Blaze runs out the garden.

"It's time I fulfill my promise."

The Ultima King●Aarmau AU●Where stories live. Discover now