Meeting Them

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We were ordering at Starbucks,when these four girls walked behind us.I guess the boys saw them ,because they was whispering about the girls.

Ray:damn that girl right there fine as hell.*pointing at Tay*

EJ:the girl right there is my type*looking at Liyah*

Princeton:that one right there gone come to papi*looking Am up & down*

But I had my eye on one she had light skin,nice body,and a big booty.The girls were talking so I'm guessing her name is Madison aka Maddie.She was fine as hell.

Maddie POV

We were just standing there when the boys turned around started talking.We whispering about them,so I guess they were whispering about us,because Ray was pointing at Tay.Roc was just there looking at me he just made me melt,and he so cuter in person.

Am:Maddie look at Roc staring at you


Roc:*looking at Maddie*so I made you beautiful.

Maddie:I guess you did*blushing harder*

Liyah:look at Tay flirting

Tay:Girl please

Am:the that leaves from Memphis to the ATL is about to leave in five minutes

Princeton:don't worry beautiful y'all could come to the ATL with us on our private plane


Princeton:your welcome gorgeous

EJ:let's get going we'll buy your food

The Girls:Thanks


Short, I know but next will be longer


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