Azure's Takeover.

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Days went by and Grey became more withdrawn. Azure tried to see past his wall but it was to no avail. Each time she asked him what was wrong, he dismissed her questions with a distant kiss or changed the topic.
Azure was fed up, she was beginning to feel alone and the fact that she couldn't go to see any of her friends was making her feel like she was losing it. She sat in the attic which had become her new comfort zone and cried. She didn't like it one bit, they were supposed to love and tell each other everything. Yet it seemed like every second there was a pass of wind, her connection with Grey moved with it.
He took showers alone saying that he needed space. He held and kissed her at night but it was obvious to her that he wasn't into it, that he'd rather be busy doing something else.

He didn't even make her meals anymore or ask how she was or if she needed something. He just acted like she really wasn't present anymore. Azure cried and cried so hard she failed to hear the door open.
Grey came behind her and hugged her tight. He felt bad for the way he was treating her. None of what was going on was her fault and he was wrong to toss her and her feelings aside.

"I'm sorry. I've been horrible to you these past few days and I know that me saying sorry doesn't change the fact that I hurt you, It's just, a lot has been going on and I have no idea what is actually happening and so I don't even know how to tell you."

"You should tell me and not keep me in the dark." She pulled away from his embrace and turned to face him still with tears in her eyes. "I've been so worried about you and with everything that's going on, I know that it's taking a toll on you and that it's getting you really stressed but please listen to me, we are in this together and so don't shut me out. Please I'm begging you."

"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you, it's just that I have no idea how I'm supposed to tell you that someone else died. And I saw her die right in front of me. She had a family and yes, I know that she was crazy about me and would go extreme miles to be with me but she was a good person and didn't deserve to die."

"What are you saying? Someone else died? How is it not on the news? Tell me what happened. How did you see it? Why were you even with a person who you're aware is crazy nuts about you?"

"Cut it with your jealousy Azure, now's not the time!"

Azure was shocked when he raised his voice at her. She would scream back at him but that would get him more pissed and he wouldn't tell her what she needed to hear. Swallowing up her anger, she asked him once more what happened.

"A day after we met my biological parents, I got a link and it sent me directly to a dating website. You were logged on and you had already texted a bunch of guys and asked to meet up in some places or the other. I was angry and I wanted to place my hands around your shoulders, shake you and ask you why. I would've broken up with you immediately but I thought about it. We hadn't been to more than half of the places you suggested to meet and so you wouldn't know them. Again, I had my PI track the sender and found it was an untraceable phone.
I checked your phone and all and I saw that it really wasn't you. Two days after that, I got a message saying to meet at a place if I wanted to know who sent it. I already started feeling that the killer had something to do with it and so I didn't care when it said come alone. I went alone to the said rooftop and I found Caroline, my ex. I found her by the edge and she was tied to a little already cutting tiny string. That string was all that was holding her up and before I could go and save her,  it cut and she fell down a 25 story building and died. Once I turned my back, the door was closing and I knew someone was there, most likely the killer. I know because the message.... Her nerve wrecking message was there saying it was for the better good.
She fucking died. The killer took advantage of the fact that Caroline had feelings for me. She manipulated her to her own downfall, this is only the beginning and it's not going to end. It seems like the FBI and even my private investigators can't handle her and so, I'm going to handle this on my own, in my own way."

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