3: Sav

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I sit on the hood of the car, watching as Wade jumps around, making a big show. Suddenly, someone jumps him from behind, flinging him against the asphalt and holding a knife to his throat. Wade grabs onto the knife, struggling with the man to avoid getting cut.
"A little help here, kid?" He calls out to me. I sigh and hop off the car, my hood falling down as I do.
"Didn't really seem like you needed any help." I say shrugging, walking over to them.
"What are you gonna do little girl? Gonna glare me to death? Once I kill this fucker, you're next so you might as well start running." The guy hisses, still pressing down on the knife. I tilt my head, peeling my gloves off.
"You know, normally I don't like touching people. In fact, I despise it. I hate the fact that I can see the life leave people's eyes, and I hate the fact that I don't even have to try." I drag my bare finger across the back of his neck, watching the tendrils of ice start to eat at his skin.
"That's all I really have to do, and then you're gone like that." I snap my fingers as I finish my sentence. He is already starting to die, his grip on the knife loosens, and Wade plunges it into his chest. I slip my glove back on and flip my hood back over my raven hair.
"What a beautiful show, so glad I could make it to the matinée." Wade coughs as he stands up.
"Oh fuck off, you know I don't like doing that." I scowl at him.
"And who's fault is it that I forgot the ammo bag in the cab?" Wade accuses.
"Um, yours, dumbass. You just said it yourself that you forgot the ammo bag." I say, rolling my eyes.
"You know what, whatever, I'm going to find Francis. You wait here. Clean this shit up." He turns and starts to walk away. I groan. Every time we get a lead he always leaves me in the dust to clean up his mess. Well, more like to make sure everyone is dead. I slip my gloves off, shoving them into the pockets of my parka. I walk over to the man who Wade just stabbed and grab onto his wrists, pulling him towards the side of the bridge.
"Yeah, this is totally fine. It's not like i'm the teenage girl and he's a grown ass man who is perfectly capable of doing this himself." I grunt as I hoist the man over the side of the bridge. I watch as his body splashes into the water. I turn around to grab another body, when I am confronted by a girl. Well I wouldn't really say girl, she looks about the same age as me. Her head is shaved close to her scalp, and she wears all black, just like me. I find myself admiring her beauty, despite the circumstances.
"So you're Deadpool's sidekick." She says, pursing her lips at me. I raise an eyebrow.
"And it appears that you're that steel cock's little follower." She frowns at my words.
"Look I'm not much for theatrics, Colossal just told me to keep an eye on you." She leans against one of the cars. I grin at her, trying to keep up the facade that Wade always insists I play. Just seem unfazed and then while they think you're super duper chill, you can kick there asses, alright kid? His voice rings in my ears.
"And why is that?" I cross my arms, frost immediately forming on the parka from where my fingers touch it.
"I assume that's why." She points to the frost on my jacket. I uncross my arms and shove my hands in my pockets.
"Why does he care about that?" I ask, getting quite defensive about it.
"Cause we're the big bad X-men I'm sure Deadpool has told you about. Colossal says we gotta take you back to the school." She crosses her arms.
"Like hell you're taking me anywhere."
"Language!" I hear a voice boom behind me. I look up and see the metal fucker Wade's always talking about. He's dragging wade behind him by handcuffs. I instinctively frost up, snowflakes swirling around me as if they could protect me from something like him. I can only kill living things, well besides Wade, but is it even possible to kill someone made of metal?
"You come with us Sapphire." Colossal says.
"Run!" Wade shouts. "Don't let them poison your sweet innocent mind!" Wade says.
"What about you?" I panic.
"I'll be fine. Just get the fuck out of here!" He yells. I turn on my heel and run as fast as I can without a second thought.
"Negasonic, I think you can handle this one." I hear Colossal say. I swivel my head around to see a giant fireball coming straight for me. I let out a yelp and try to run faster, but it is too late. The blast wave sends shocks through me, the heat burning through my skin and reaching inside of me, sending my flying to the ground. Everything around me is scorching hot, but for some reason I am still an icicle in a desert storm.

Wasn't really sure how to go about this chapter sooo here it is

F*ck Off- NEGASONIC TEENAGE WARHEAD/ ELLIE PHIMISTERWhere stories live. Discover now