chapter one- plan

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Mon-El's P.O.V.

   As I make my way to the pod, gasping and wheezing, Kara holds my hand, assisting me. She's the love of my life, and I never would have changed for the better if it weren't for her.

    I can't stand the thought of leaving her, but I can't live here anymore. Earth's air is unbreathable for me now. If I could change anything, I would make sure my parents never came looking for me here! I want to blame them, but I can't. They are some of the many corrupted Daxamites.

"K-ka-ra?" I gasp. "Yes Mon-El?" She responds in her beautiful harmonious voice. "I w-ish th-e-ere was a w-ay I-i co-uld stay he-ere." She looks at me, pain in her gorgeous flawless face. "Me too, baby." She says, and kisses me.

   Suddenly, her face lights up the way it does when she gets an idea. "Mon-El, baby, get in the pod. I'll get in with you." What? "But Kara, you have to stay here do you can be Supergirl!" She rolls her eyes playfully. "I know dingwad, but that way you can breathe and still be with me until we can come up with a more permanent solution." I smile. "Okay!"

Changed- KaramelWhere stories live. Discover now