To Last Guy I Loved,

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Dear JG,

      It's been two years since I last saw you. I still remember you, and every time it causes a tightening in my chest and my lungs stop. You're just a memory. What is sad is that I've surrendered any fleeing feeling left to the tragedy that is time, promising myself to stop thinking about you; Which has been proven to be not possible. You were there like a unwanted sweet memory. Prince Charming smile still carved into my brain, those smooth eyes as they look into mine, and the feeling you gave me with every look.

      August 21st, 2016. I remember that day as if carved in stone in my brain.... It was day I first set eyes on you. Hair sleeked back, button up shirt, nice dress pants, and glasses that enhanced your brown eyes. Dressed to impress was your style, a much appreciated one by me. I had sworn off guys for a while to stop my horrible habit of quick infatuation, and I looked right passed you to the giant dove painted on the altar. The next month went on with me looking you over, trying to concentrate on my spirituality, but then October rolled in causing the event that changed my view on you. JG, you may not remember me, nor think of me, but that hot October day had a huge effect on me.

      It was the day I was sick upon delirium, leaning against my mom for support, and you walk up to us ready to greet her first. Although something in you clicked last minute and you greeted me first. I untangled myself from my mother to shake your hand, and the moment are hands touch it was as though from a book. Sparks — No, an electrical current rush up the arm that was connected to yours by our hands. That current awoken more than just a fever induced delirium. And I know you felt it, too. You looked at the hand that touched mine as you walked away, JG. The spark that many people deemed fictional had become a amplified reality for me.

      Since that moment, my heart started to allow itself be taken by you; it only fully gave itself when I heard you preach for the first time. It was about true feelings, and your eyes flickered to mine many times. Whether I was overthinking like usual, but those details played clearly in my head as though it was a film on repeat for the past two years. Though, we hadn't spoken more than ten sentences to each other, I was totally and utterly crushing on you. I searched for more information about you. A firefighter, a evangelist, but then I knew what I wanted wasn't possible for I was sixteen and you twenty-four. I wish I knew how you felt about me, but I'm just forever left with an unknowing hope in my heart that somehow you had feelings for me, too.

         Love, Thiffa.


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