When the muscle is needed

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The realm of the Grimm. A pocket universe connected to the material plane of Remnant through the negativity exuded from humanity. Within this endless void of darkness stands a large castle. It's halls stretch on for miles, it's collars stocked with alcohols which haven't been seen for millennia. One room overlooked the pools of negativity. Pits of dark ooze which the Grimm crawled out of. The room was the conference room. A long crystalline table with a dozen chairs along either side, and at the front of the table, facing the large doors sat the queen of Grimm herself. Salem. The room was silent as the last of her minions took their seats and waited her instructions. Finally she spoke.

Salem: "Watts, any progress on locating the maidens?"

Watts: "I believe so your grace. A tribe of raiders situated in Anima have recently been doing extremely well for themselves. Reports are coming in of one member having... powers. The powers described are akin to the maiden powers in every detail. I believe this is truly a lead we should be looking into ma'am."

Salem: "you seem sure of your lead Watts... very well then, we shall send in our best. Call Y/n and his team."

Hazel nodded and walked out. Moments passed and he returned looking frustrated.
Hazel: "incoming egos."

Murmurs of a tune can be heard through the door. The doors are thrown open as the song gets louder. Tyrian laughs hysterically and begins clapping like a madman, finding the whole thing brilliant!
One after another, the newest team of Salem's army come sauntering in.

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Salem's Riders- Vengeance sequel Where stories live. Discover now