•too good at goodbyes•

183 11 2

''Im safe.
Up high.
Nothing can touch me,,
~p!nk × sober

It was quiet downtown.
No shouting,
No fighting,
No weapons,
No insanity,
No screaming,
No breaking things,
No batman.
Nothing. nothing except for jack and the thoughts in his mind with the occasional scream across the career in the part of the city, that wasn't abandoned.

But in his mind,
He was shouting,
He was fighting his demons,
His words where a weapon,
He was already insane,
He was screaming, internally.
He was breaking himself.
And for once, there was something even batman couldn't save.
The joker.
Not that he would want to, not that jack would want him to.

He sighed, taking the ice cold air into his lungs, looking across the water and at the hellhole that normal people called Gotham city.

He didnt know what ti feel ahout it anymore, he used to call it home, but now... Now it seemed like a danger zone, a war zone, like plates where in the ground that would set off bombs at anytime.

And even jack, the joker, didn't dare step foot in it, not that part of it anyway.

The sky was black, he could feel the bleach on his skin and in his hair fading.
Now, he just looked like a green haired weirdo who sucked at lipstick and hadnt slept for a good couple of months.

His eyes fell to the ground, or rather water below him, moving his hands into his head, resting it against them.
He was beginning to regain his sanity, and part of him hated it.

And yet, the othet part- hated the laughing, hated the bombs, hated the cards, hated the torchure, the homicide, the laughing gas. And he fucking hated clowns.

he stood up carefully, swallowing thickly.

To jack, he always thought superheros where supposed to save you, help you, make sure you are unharmed.
But they never saw the pain that even a villain held, a villain may very well hold more pain then a hero.
but even so, batman still seemed unable to save jack, even from himself.

To jack, there was no such thing as a hero, just a picky bully who only caused him the same amount of physical pain as he gave himself emotional.

He took another breath.

He looked over the edge of the building knowing he was beyond 1000 feet in the air.
If he where to jump, he would die before he even hit the water, but he wouldnt be complaining.

It seemed like forever that he stood there. He giggled, hands shaking as he put a foot iver the edge, beginning to laugh and yet...he was crying.

The laughing was almost hysterical as he jumped, and he was still falling.

But when he opened his eyes, he realised he hasn't been falling at all. The laughing lowered to giggles.

He wasnt holding the edge of the reusty unfinished and half burn building, but rather he was being held onto.

jack looked up, seeing the one and only batman-holding onto jacks arm as if his life depended on it.

Which it did.

"Dont do this joker."

His voice was stone cold, threatenung and firm, but somehow jack found a comfort in it.

It was soothing.

And still he continued to laugh, starting to sweat. He reached up, touching the tears on his cheeks.

"Hahaha, hahahahahaha, haha, haha...hah- ha-ha-he-help me, p-please" he sobbed brokenly. His voice was shaking, words trembling and trying his hardest to speak. A strong sense of fear was in his words, he wanted batman to let him go, allow him to fall- but still part of him wanted to live.

That's when he blacked out

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