•Helpless• (Calum)

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I have never been the type to try and grab the spotlight

she was in the corner of the room with a red solo cup in her hand, half lifted. the plastic white rim barley skipped her top lip, her eyes darting all around the room. nervous, anxious.

parties weren't her thing.

We were at a revel with some rebels on a hot night

solo cups were everywhere, on kitchen tables, patio furniture, the ping pong table, tipped over spilt on the carpeted floor. booze was in the air, no matter where she went the strong smell would hit her nose. she wasn't opposed to it, in fact she had a cup filled halfway with some nutty alcohol mixture her friend made her. not too strong tho, because she was a light weight. It went down the throat smoothly and had little after taste. It was a win.

With one hand holding her cup the other would fidget with her hair every few seconds. Pulling, twisting, moving back and forth over her shoulder, moving it away from her face. She had nothing to do, no one to socialize with other then person she came with. She didn't know anyone here- well she did but they weren't friends. Acquaintances, and even then she wasn't really in the mood to make an actual effort to talk to them.

Laughin' at my sister as she's dazzling the room

Her friend, her best friend, the girl who is like a sister to her was much more of a social butterfly than herself. She stood there, leaning into the muscular figure of some man that they surely don't know, laughing and talking with a couple of people circled around them, head thrown back, hair flowing and mouth wide open in a smile as she laughed a little too loudly at what the girl in front of her said. She was a little tipsy at this point.

Every few minuets her friend would turn her head towards her and smile widely, making a 'come here' motion with her hand, accident elbowing the male plastered to her side and causing the girl in the corner to laugh at her friends antics but each time shaking her head no. She would raise her cup as an excuse, the silent "I'm fine here with my drink" successfully getting the message across. None the less, her friend was persistent.

Then you walked in and my heart went "Boom!"

The front door would open once or twice every hour, each time another couple would stumble through the door, clinging to each other laughing, almost instantly asking where the drinks were at, but not this time.

this time, a man walked through the door and almost like it was second nature, ran his hand through his dark brown hair and looked at the floor, making eye contact with no one, not speaking a word, and silently walking over to the drink table.

she doesn't know what it was but something about him caught her attention.

she stared.

maybe it was the fact that he had a cool relaxed look to his face, an aura of one who simply doesn't care about anything at all, that got her attention. drink now in his hand he leaned cooly against the wall, brown eyes scanning the scene much like the girl had before, his eyes settling on the boy that was with her best friend. his mouth spread into a large smile, striding across the room and settling a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"Ashton! Hey man, where were you earlier"

It might sound ridiculous and unrealistic but she knew she was instantly attracted to him.

Tryin' to catch your eye from the side of the ballroom

his aura was now friendly, one full of energy and happiness as he threw an arm over 'ashton's' shoulders, looking extremely handsome under the red LED light that was cast across the entire room.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2018 ⏰

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