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Dear Jack,
Okay, so even though we are already dating, I just wanted to let you know how I feel about you. First of all, I love how much of a nerdy dork you are. You get excited when someone understands your movie/meme/tv references or when you see something relating to video games, and it's so cute that I can't help but smile every time you light up like that. I also wanted you to know that I love when you find some way to touch me whether it be holding my hand, playing with my hair, kissing my palm or my forehead, booping my nose, hugging me, or just pressing yourself against me. It lets me know that you still care and I can't tell you how much I appreciate all the small touches you give. Third, you always text or call me throughout the week (or even day) because we can only really see each other on the weekends due to us going to separate schools. I love our conversations and you always find some way to make me smile or laugh whether it be at something you say or do. You're always there for me to talk to even when you're playing video games and watching whichever show you're deciding to binge watch at the moment. Or you're even there for me just by being silent and letting me soak in your presence. I love how you seem to never stop playing with my hair or care when it gets in the way of us kissing. I love when you kiss my forehead, cheeks, nose, and/or neck prior to my lips so I can bask in your cuteness for even longer than I would get to.

I also absolutely love how you always ask me what your kisses taste like right after you've eaten something sweet like honey or chocolate and act surprised when I tell you. You can open up to me and I to you and I can't express how much that means to me. You also are insanely fun to teasingly argue with and contradict even if I know you're right, I just like seeing how you back yourself up or retaliate. And how you basically squish me in order to win an argument so that I can't get out of your hug until I concede and say you've won doesn't fail to make me laugh.

Thank you Jack for filling my days with happiness and smiles. This is to you.

Love, Me

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2018 ⏰

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