first chapter: jazzy

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authors note: This is my first story on this account cause my other one crashed and i lost everything on it and cant even find the stories anymore, so i thought id start fresh and with a new story, let me know what you think? :))

Also, it kind of gets straight into it in the first chapter, but i dont want it to sound like im rushing the whole story cause its part of the plot that this happens like at the begining if you know what i mean aha :) anyways, please read and comment :))

Justins pov

“Haaapppyyy Birthday too you, Happy Birthday to youuuuu, Happy Birthday dear Jazzy, Happy Birthday too youu!” I sang along with the rest of my family members, wide grins spread across all of our faces. It was my baby sisters 5th birthday and me and all our family were out for dinner at Jazzy’s favourite restaurant. It was huggee! I leaned over giving Jazzy I big sloppy kiss on her left cheek hugging her from the side. “Happy Birthday Princess!” I whispered into her ear earning a giggle from her and a kiss on the cheek. Jazzy glanced away from me and to the big pink and white birthday cake that she had sitting on the table in front of her with 5 candles around the edged and a big candle in the middle with the number 5 in fancy writing on it. She glanced around the room with her big brown eyes eyeing everyone off before she took the biggest breathe i’m sure she could, closing her eyes tightly and blew out the candles continuously until each and every flame and been put away! She slowly opened her eyes a huge grin appearing on her face and huge erupts of cheers from all around her making her smile and giggle even more. 

My dad and Erin rushed over to Jazzy’s side giving her big hugs and kisses wishing her happy birthday before retrieving a knife from the kitchen staff to start slicing pieces of cake for everyone. I looked to my right and started having a conversation with my Grandpa waiting for all the cake to be served when I felt a big tug on the bottom of my shirt. I looked down to see jazzy standing there looking up at me with her big beautiful eyes. 

“Bieber” she whispered to me.

“Yeah princess” I replied laughing a little while picking her up and placing her on my lap. She leaned in real close to my ear, cupping her hands around her mouth.

“I need to go to bathroom” she whispered ever so quietly into me ear, her cheeks reddening. “come on, lets go to the bathroom.” I told her lifting her off my lap and placing her on the floor. I took her tiny 5 year old hand in mine and took her to the bathroom. 

“Jaz, do you wanna go in the boys with me or do you wanna go in the girls?” I asked her looking down.

“Justin, I’m a big girl now, I am 5 now! Ill meet you out here in 5 minutes, don’t be late!” she glared at me storming off into the girls bathroom. I shook my head and walked off into the mens toilet.


I’ve been waiting out the front of the girls toilet for about 7 or 8 minutes now. Starting to get a little worried at why Jazzy was taking so long. I quickly looked back over at the table everyone was sitting and talking at to see if Jazzy got sick of waiting for me and went back to the table. No sign of her. I turned back facing my attention towards the girls bathroom door. I waited for about 5 more minutes and there was still no sign of Jazzy. People were starting to leave and wanted to say goodbye to her so I opened the door of the girls toilets slightly. “Jazzy” I whispered poking my head slightly through the small gap in the door. There was no one in the bathroom so I opened the door more and stepped in. “Jaz, you in here princess?” I asked my voice getting louder. After getting no reply I started opening the  doors of the cubicles one by one expecting jazzy to jump out of one and try to scare me. “I know you in here Princess.” I said in a playful voice. I opened the last cubicle door to find it empty. “Okay Jazzy, seriously, come out now!” I said in a more serious tone. I looked around the bathroom, searching everyone for a good 5 minutes before storming out of the bathroom over to the table where everyone was sitting. I rushed over breathless “guys, has any of you seen Jazzy?” I asked getting extremely stressed out. They all just shook there head, worried faces on them. It was pretty late now so there weren’t many people left in the restaurant. I started turning the place upside down looking everywhere for her, the adults helping me. Nothing. We couldn’t find her anywhere. “ugh shit” I muttered to myself.

I thought about how fancy this place was and rushed to bar assistant. “Hi, I need to see the security camera for the girls bathroom.” I rushed out the words from my mouth. “Seriously, I’ll do anything!” Before the man could answer my uncle came over to us showing the man his ID. Thank God for him being a cop. The bar man quickly turned around a screen showing the security cameras of around the place. I looked down searching for the girls bathroom one. As soon as I found it I went back about a half hour, watching Jazzy walk into the bathroom, then dissapear into a cubicle. Everything seemed normal. She then walked out and reached up on her tippy toes to wash her hands. The next thing I knew the screen had gone all fuzzy as if someone had cut the wires, a black piece of paper then covered the screen with white writing on it. I couldn’t make out what it said until the screen cleared up. I gulped, staring at the white capital words that were printed over the screen. Taken By Revenge.

Authors Note: here you go! i hope you liked it. im more proud of this one compared to the previous one i had. Im also going to edit the second chapter, just spelling and stuff cause it was a bit rushed! THANKYOU! review and rate! MWAH!

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