Chapter 8:You we're her

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Jungkook's POV

Me:"Hyung! I found a friend today!"
Taehyung:"oh really? How did you guys met?"
Me:"i was Crying then she suddenly shows up!"
Taehyung:"oh o-" RING~ taehyung's phone rang so he picked it up and ran to a random room

I was bored so i decided to meet y/n again
I always met her in the park near the cemetery

Like always i go to the park and wait for her
Y/n:"jungkook why are you here?"
Me:"to meet you of course!"
She chuckles

Umm...jungkook... I wanted to tell you something..."

Me:"what is it?"
Suddenly her face turned serious..
I was very nervous about what she will said..

Y/n:"jungkook-ah...can you please buy some
Different kind of flowers and bring it to the cemetery please..??"
Me:"of course! I will bought many as i can!"
Y/n:"ok coconut hair..oh i think i need to go now..bye.."
I was buying some flowers until i saw hyung and ask me whom flowers i was giving this for

Me:"it's for my friend she said to bought flowers to the cemetery.."
Taehyung:"j-jungkook-ah... what's your friends name?"
Me:"oh it's y/n why?"
Me:"what do you mean?"
Taehyung:"jungkoo-ah..y/n i smy sister that died two yearsgo because of cancer..she was your wife but you treat her like trash and cheated on her she didn't have any energy left..and i injected you with something that make you felt asleep preventing from hurting yourself also make your other memories with her lost too so i decided to keep it a secret im sorry.."

Y/n was my wife,i cheated on her..,she suffered because of me...,y/ sorry

I ran to the cemetery
And there it was...

I found a gravestone with her name on it..

A/n:helloooo Alienkookies! Did you guys like it? And btw the next chapter could be the last well maybe? Anyways sorry for the mistakes..

[BTS FF] Im Sorry.... | j.jk✔️Where stories live. Discover now