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hey guys so this is a new Monchele fanfic! Im still gonna continue working on my other one, "What Monchele Could Have Been" and I'm also working on a Finchel one. But I hope you like this one.  ~Breezy

I see the sun shine through my window as I yawn and begin to sit up. I hop out of bed more excited than I was yesterday. You see I'm excited because Cory is coming home in 2 days, and I get more and more excited as the day comes closer. He has been in Vancouver for the week, he was gonna do some snowboarding, visit some of his friends, and have a meeting with his manager.

I begin to get ready and the phone rings, its Cory's mom. I answered the phone, "Hey Ann!"

"Hi Lea," she sounded upset.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, becoming worried.

"Its Cory.... Something's happened." she replied

My heart begins to race as I scream, "What?!" I try to stay calm as I say, "I am getting on a plane and I'm coming up there. ASAP"

"I will pick you up at the airport just let me know when you arrive." Ann says.

"Ok.. See you soon." I reply.

I hop in the Range Rover and begin my drive to the LAX. The short drive felt like an eternity. The whole time I was thinking "What happened to Cory?" "Who did this?" "How did it happen?" Then I thought, "I forgot to ask Ann where Cory was right now." That made it even worse, not knowing where he was, or what condition he is in.

I finally arrive at LAX and I grab my bags from the back and I run inside, I frantically rush to the ticket stand, and I say to the young lady behind the counter, "I need a ticket for the next plane to YVR!" She said there was one leaving in 45 minutes and that there was one ticket left, "I'll take it!" I shouted. I grabbed my ticket and I rushed to security. Thank God I was able to get into the express security line. I sped through security and arrived at the gate. The plane is already boarding and my zone is next in line to board, I sat down and I am jittery. I just can't stand to be away from where Cory is for any more time then I have to be.

My zone is finally beginning to board, I get on the plane and I find my seat. I stow my bags in the overhead compartment and sit down. I try to get some sleep because I have almost 3 hrs on this plane. But I cant get more than a few minutes of shut eye because I'm just so worried and curious as to what happened to him. A few hours go by and I finally hear the piliot get on the loudspeaker and say, "We are about 20 minutes from YVR." I sigh a sigh of relief, I just want to hurry up and get there. Once we land I text Ann and say, "I just landed." A few minutes went by and she texts back and says, "Im already out front, see you soon."

We pull up to the terminal and the people begin to get off the plane, I quickly hop up and take my bag out of the overhead compartment, I only packed 3 pairs of clothes, because I was in such a rush. I was so ready to get off this plane, it felt like I was on here forever. I was finally able to get off the plane, I literally am beginning to run through the airport to the spot where Ann said she is. I see her outside and I run and hug her. But I begin to ask all these questions, "What happened to Cory?" "Where is he now?" "How is he?" She said to me, "I will explain it all to you in the car,"

She opens the passenger side door, and I hop in. We begin the drive, to wherever he is. I ask, "So where are we driving to, where is he?" Ann replied, "He is in the hospital in the ICU." I clutch my 'Cory' necklace and feel the tears begin to rush down my cheeks. "Wh..What? What do you mean ICU?" She begins to say, "He was in a really bad accident, he is in a coma. And the doctor said there is no telling if he is gonna wake up or not." I begin to cry even more, I became numb. "How can this be happening to me? To him. I cant lose the love of my life." The rest of the ride to the hospital I hope and pray whispering to myself, "Please dont take him. God please dont take him!"

We pull up to the hospital and I hop out running inside and quickly asking the lady at the front, "WHERE IS CORY MONTEITH'S ROOM?!" She says down the hall, 4th door on your left." I sped off totally forgetting to say 'Thank you' but I just wanted to see him.

I stopped in front of where he was, looking at him through the windows outside his room. I began to cry. There he was eyes closed, lying still, hooked up to all different types of monitors and stuff. I couldn't stand to see him like that. I collapse to the ground sobbing. How can this be happening.......

Hey guys hope you like the first chapter of "Please Don't Go" sorry its so short. - Breezy

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